LiveBoot v1.70 released
Posted on 2018-11-16, 1 comments, 8 +1's, 16482 views

This update primarily brings Android Pie and official Magisk support. It's rolling out on Play now.

The library handling the screen overlay (libcfsurface) has been largely rewritten, improving compatibility on several devices (such as the Pixel C). Some routine Android anti-code-rot maintenance was done as well (updating API levels, updating icons, etc).

XDA thread (includes the APK)

Play Store


  • Android 9.0 Pie support
  • Improved 64-bit support
  • Fix files dir not existing automagically
  • Migrated libcfsurface from C hijacks to Java reflection as much as possible (4.3 --> 5.0 minimum support)
  • Magisk support
  • Adaptive icon
  • Updated compile and target API levels
  • (C) 2018
Yanfeng Lee (稻草) commented on 2018-11-21 at 02:50:

Stop working after upgraded to 1.7.0 (My device is android 7.0 with supersu (not magisk))

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