libRootJava released
Posted on 2018-11-23, 3 comments, 15 +1's, 8960 views

I have finally gotten around to releasing libRootJava, a library that lets you run your Java/Kotlin code as root, straight from your APK, with optional easy Binder-based IPC.

You can read all about it on GitHub.

garry Paga commented on 2018-12-05 at 13:22:

no cd directory whay?

TesoyTM Guarino commented on 2018-12-13 at 11:46:


Mario Gomez commented on 2018-12-18 at 23:04:

Sera éste un reemplazo del Supersu ..o estas desarrollando algo que reemplace al Supersu ..? .. Gracias...

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