LiveBoot v1.81 released
Posted on 2019-03-15, 2 comments, 5 +1's, 14953 views

This update primarily brings some fixes, and rolls up the last few XDA-released patches into a Play release.

XDA thread (includes the APK)

Play Store


  • (c) 2019
  • Fix script reinstalling every launch
  • Fix display not working on some Pie ROMs
  • Fix test run not working on some devices
  • Magisk: support /data/adb paths
  • Magisk: delay startup if /data not available
  • Fix script uninstall not working
  • Use librootjava's Daemon mode
Hector Serrato commented on 2019-03-28 at 15:46:

Root my phone

Hour Mafia commented on 2019-03-29 at 11:46:


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