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is the cf root kernel really smaller (6+ kb) than the stock kernel (4. 7 mb)?
CF-Root is compressed, stock isn't.
it turned out that the download on my android device was faulty (zip file is corrupted) that's why it was only 6 kb. i was able to download the correct zip file on my pc.
We need CF-Root Kernel for I9100XWLP2 (Russia) Change List: 258785
Thanks a lot :)
PS: Other kernel are compatible but isn't same kernel, we need you
+Greg 'Matchstick' Hodge i believe those are the same. if you read the first post on chainfire's thread in xda forums, it says you only have to look for the last 3 characters of the rom version, i.e. LP2
Even reading first post, I thought it was a different kernel version, since their increase list number (258785), is rare and hard to believe that Russia pull out an older version.
But if you (and Chainfire) think this, is enough for me, thanks and sorry for my english.
PS: First day in XWLP2 I flashed with CF-Root LP7 kernel and this work too, despite a slight problem in the first logo loading :)
Thanks for the CF-Root for SGS2: LP3 - beautiful, just what I needed ! Kudos to you Chainfire !
Could you send me the CF-Root for SGS2: LP3.. Thanks
Getting "database error" message when I try to open the link.
I'm trying to flash my sons I9000 via this process...
I am having trouble finding a JVP ROM. Can you point me in the right direction?