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Really wanted to go. But it appears I'm not the only one, seems +Koushik Dutta wasn't able to get a ticket either. Nor were a lot of other developers able to if you look at +Google Developers stream.
Some interesting thoughts put forward by various people. It seems some (minor in volume but major in price) reselling is going on over at eBay, even though the tickets are not transferable without Google's blessing. Somebody also contributed that the queries-per-second reached the number of available tickets the minute registrations opened. It also appears various groups of people who had planned to go only managed to get a single ticket, with no way to refund or sell their ticket (unless Google agrees with the transfer).
There were some rumors about there being a developer quiz or puzzle before being able to register, but this didn't actually happen. It all makes me wonder how many of the people who actually managed to get a ticket are just swaghunters or journalists.
So far I've personally heard from several people who did manage to get a ticket - and none of those are developers. Funny that.
It's going to be up on YouTube, I'm sure (the I/O).
Question that has to be asked is how many people there still be media rather than developers. Always feel like there are a lot of people who aren't developers there.
What's so different than watching it live on YouTube?
I've seen a few journalists organized their press tickets in advance. There needs to be a way to keep non-developers limited. The developer test/quiz that they were talking about would have been helpful, but I don't see much chance that it would have stopped anybody since any journalist could have had a developer standing over their shoulder telling them what to type in. The only way I can think of would be to require ticket holders to either have a developer account, an app in the market (play store...bad name), or even submitting some kind of proof that they worked for a company as a developer. I'm not sure how well these options would scale, but there needs to be a better solution than just first-come-first-served without any restrictions.
Frankly, I think half of the people who aren't developers figured they just paid $900 for an unreleased gadget or two (most likely a tablet or the next Google TV device). It's a lot of money for what they get, but for the people who have some cash to burn, I'm sure they are looking forward to it. Just think, last year the $450 ticket price was just over the retail price of the Samsung tablet they got out of it.
+Adam Deslauriers Ask anybody who's been to WWDC, it's as much about the sessions as it is to actually meet and chat with other developers from other places.