NOTICE: This content was originally posted to Google+, then imported here. Some formatting may be lost, links may be dead, and images may be missing.
... /articles/116/Windows_Mobile_6_x_Hackery_Explained/)
Contains code, examples and explanations for how I performed some WM 6.x hacks.
This is aimed at developers/hackers who find these things interesting to read :)
Maybe it's time to post the daily-beater FPU driver too.
Which one is that... the one we released, or the improved driver you were working on ? I don't think I've ever seen the latter in action - did you finish it ?
The improved driver. I thought I'd checked-in all the last source updates. I can resend. In the old Modaco thread, I thought I'd mentioned it's a daily "driver" now? Basically, just install and then that's it. No UI, but it just "worked".
Any one know where a can find script for app2ad and best zip for side load kernel g ace speriance Rom
Cwm 5