Triangle Away vs Samsung
Posted on 2012-06-04, 5 comments, 27 +1's, imported from Google+/Chainfire

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chainfire[dev~blog] - Triangle Away vs Samsung

Sinan Çetinkaya commented on 2012-06-04 at 21:07:

I think it's time to leave Samsung behind. Samsung has become too much apple, not good...

Basti Hoffmann commented on 2012-06-04 at 21:18:

I think Samsung shoukd take the chance to learn from the community e.g. from +Chainfire ...

Samsung phones have a great potential but instead of using it Samsung start creating more and more barricades...

Basti Hoffmann commented on 2012-06-05 at 05:30:

Of course there are still advantages using a samsung phone but if chain is right with his forecast it can change rapidly...

Chainfire commented on 2012-06-05 at 06:05:

You are missing the point - Samsung is not that bad yet - it's the question if we want to keep pushing them in that direction. Which I know Triangle Away does (insider info)

Basti Hoffmann commented on 2012-06-05 at 06:17:

It seems clear to me that samsung is not acting that way without any rumors from the side.

It would be sad if the OEMs would begin to restrict the freedom that the android system gives us. I hope that they do not missunderstand our "beauty surgery". It is not against them...

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