CF-Root v6.0 for SGS3 has been released ! Installs my custom CWM build, the CWM Manager app, and Sup ...
Posted on 2012-06-06, 3 comments, 35 +1's, imported from Google+/Chainfire
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... erSU (root) in a single flash.
[06.06.2012] CF-Root 6.0 - SuperSU+CWM5.5+CWMManager - xda-developers
Henning Voss commented on 2012-06-06 at 12:14:
right in time SGS3 (blue) on the way. thx
Shiv Manas commented on 2012-06-06 at 13:09:
+Chainfire : Would you know what's new in CWM 5.5? Is there a Changelog somewhere?
Paul Ware commented on 2012-06-07 at 15:42:
You truly are a CoRE master, you rock dude!!!
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