CF-Root for SGS3 has been updated to v6.1, including my new v1.3 build of CWM for the SGS3.
Posted on 2012-06-08, 8 comments, 33 +1's, imported from Google+/Chainfire

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Recommended update.

[08.06.2012] CF-Root 6.1 - SuperSU+CWM5.5+CWMManager - xda-developers

Markus Vogt commented on 2012-06-08 at 21:28:

Great work +Chainfire

Kit McLean commented on 2012-06-08 at 22:07:

Thanks +Chainfire , small donation made through your site.  Your efforts are much appreciated!

Daniel Robson commented on 2012-06-09 at 16:23:

Great work chain fire im following you on Google+ and twitter also just bought triangle away and thank you as it worked first go removing my flash count on my SGS3 I9300

Mirko Pertile commented on 2012-06-10 at 17:15:


sandesh Kc commented on 2012-06-10 at 21:32:

can  we still upgrade to an official firmare through system update from mobile.does it chages the baseband versoin,PDA,CSC and modem value??would be great if someone could reply

Chainfire commented on 2012-06-10 at 21:51:

+Daniel Schmid Some major fixes to CWM (some people were having SD card issues), and a minor update to CWM Manager.

+sandesh Kc PDA, CSC, and modem are not changed - they remain the same.

Antony Cooper commented on 2012-06-11 at 06:33:

Brilliant thank you! :)

sandesh Kc commented on 2012-06-11 at 10:33:

Thanks man that is a great  piece of information from great developer.thanks again

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