CF-Root for the SGS3 has been updated to v6.3 !
Posted on 2012-06-18, 3 comments, 48 +1's, imported from Google+/Chainfire
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Includes the new SuperSU v0.91 and my CWM v1.5.
Recommended update !
If you have the issue where CWM will not stick, this is the CF-Root to flash !
[18.06.2012] CF-Root 6.3 - SuperSU+CWM5.5+CWMManager - xda-developers
Gadget Check commented on 2012-06-19 at 15:08:
TouchRecovery is up!
Steve Tams commented on 2012-06-28 at 21:22:
Rooted my Galaxy S3, thanks.
zhi guo commented on 2012-07-01 at 18:17:
one question, i rootsd my s3 and backed up the offical system. so what if i restore the offical system, would it be locked or unlocked?
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