My CWM build for the SGS3 has been updated to v1.5 !
Posted on 2012-06-18, 2 comments, 19 +1's, imported from Google+/Chainfire
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Now supports OTA flashing as well. Recommended update ! (Advised is just flashing the new CF-Root instead, btw)
[RECOVERY][18.06.2012] ClockWorkMod Recovery - "v1.5" - xda-developers
Colin Murphy commented on 2012-06-23 at 10:06:
Thank you for the update and the Heimdall reference for us humble Linux users. Only thing stopping me from 100% confidence is the lack of md5sum to check the downloaded file.
dakshna Moorthy commented on 2012-07-14 at 14:11:
Could you update for my galaxy note 7000
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