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Adds a great number of languages and fixes some bugs. Recommended update !
Google Play: (may take a few hours to update)
I was actually planning to wait a few more days with the language update, but some fixes had to be done now. There will likely be another language update next week.
Thanks for your continous work! Some minor optical things due to language change: In the dialog for app specific configuration, most of the text is cropped. This happens in german and french, possibly in others too. Choosing "English" or "French" in the language override menu doesn't do anything either, one has to choose a country-specific entry. Is this intended?
Language override menu doesn't show English or French without country on my system. This may be firmware specific. Will adjust that for the next update.
Will have a look at that dialog, if I can make it bigger maybe.
FYI, i'm using a Galaxy Note N7000XXLPT (4.0.3). Thanks for your fast response!