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Google Play may take a few hours to update, as usual.
just marvellous! Thanks for your fast fix of text cropping, even though this was just a minor design issue :)
@Chainfire, shall we have a cf-root for the last N7000DDLPA ?
Root for Samsung Galaxy S Advance plz..
Beste Jorit (hoop dat ik je gelijk bij voornaam mag noemen ;-)) mag ik vragen wat de MD5 is van je laatste versie v0.92 om even te checken? Alvast hartelijk dank!
Thanks. Really nice work
AWESOME! Life saver for my HTC One X.... Thumbs up!
Great !
hey i just downloaded 4.1 on my nexus and now supersu app is saying that it cant update the binary, do you what can be the problem
same here .. i'm trying to root the ota update from google not the deodxed rom .. any fix chainfire?
Your the best! :)