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There are repacked versions of several of my apps around on the internet that contain malware !
At least SuperSU and Chainfire3D have been repacked this way. And I suspect there will also be repacked versions of Mobile ODIN, if not all of my apps.
Do not get any of my apps anywhere else than my own threads on XDA, my server ( ) or Google Play. I do not support any other appstores than Google Play at the moment ! Any other app store you find my apps, they have not been published by me !
For reference, see here:
Re-sharing has been disabled, please LINK to this post only (but please do do that, I want people to know !)
Also noting here on this post thatĀ version 0.93 is now registering on Play Store in USA as of 920AM PST.
Thanks for the notification.
Thanks for all your work Chainfire, your one of the best in the buisiness, I would love to donate but you dont accept paypal or do you...? And thanks for the warning, but I only use your xda threads....
I just went to your server and saw that you do accept a donation is coming if my paypal works, have been having problems with them lately, but if it works IĀ“ll donate 5 euros...youre the best for android and you deserve it...
I donated, hope it worked...would be nice if you would confirm if it worked....
I feel like this was bait to get me to load that fix tool, I hope it was safe.
thanks for the warning...
The information is posted on forum
Cheers. Chainfire u are actually a beast keep up the good work so many of us appreciate it
never download items out of play store, haha
Cheers for passing on