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LQ5 works pefect. Thx again
Thanks ChainFire ! Hope you will produce also a cf root for N7000DDLPA!
Chainfire - looks like you might want to suppress eMMC wipe on XXLQ5 based on some reports.
Having major problems with the camera app.. Works with stock 4.0.4 LQ5. But not after flashing CWM. I'v Tried LPG, LQ5 and LPI. They all work fine and give me root access but they all kill the camera app from working.. GT-i9100 International Version... Anyone else having this problem ? anyone got a fix ?
Lost wifi After flahed cf-root, stay awaiting ip adress
LQ5 updated:
The older link is now down. If you are using the older version, UPGRADE. The base LQ5 kernel has the MMC brick bug. Unbelievable, but Samsung actually brought this bug to a device that previously did not have the problem ... DOH
Thanks Chainfire, but always staying "obtaining an IP adress"... WTF ?
THANKYOU HEAPS :-) Flashed LQ5-v5.6 and the camera bug is gone, as far as i can tell all working perfectly.. thankyou for your hard work. will be donating to the cause on pay day :-P
HUGE battery drain using updated LQ5-v5.6.. Draining a full battery in half the time it took using 4.0.3 and LPG kernel.. Is it possible to fix this ? Anyone else experiencing this ?
Hi, I'm having difficulties in loading the link to your website to download the CF-Root file. Are there any problems??
Website working now, rooted sgs2 with v5.6 and all working fine, even video :-) thanks chainfire!!
No flashed with XXLQ5 4.0.4 ICS rom, not tried with CM9
Planning a CF ROOT for XWLPM? Thanks!!
Na S1,JW6 full root??
I was supposed to buy a used SGS2 , but I ran into the text about "brick bug" affected units . As it checks out , the SGS2 I was about to buy has the 0x19 revision eMMC chip . Firmware it is running is : I9100XXLPS , kernel : 3.0.15-i9100xxplq-cl223505 . As I understood , the data corruption of eMMC chip is caused if a kernel with MMC_CAP_ERASE command is enabled . What to do ? Is there a remote possibility for a permanent solution in the future . I have almost decided to drop SGS2 as a purchase completely because of this .
I saw a post on XDA . . . member Entropy512 has some useful info in a thread where they discussed Samsungs involvement in the matter .
I gave up on i9100 purchase , I'd rather go for i9250 Nexus . ;)
Chainfire, do you know when you can relese XWLPO?
O.K gread work.
I need the CF-Root for JPLPF firmware please help
Hi, i thx for the new Version LPI. But the Triangl yellow Icon i can not delete with the Triangl Remove App...I have the Version 1.25
With Triangle Away 1.70 its works fine....