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Play: (will take a few hours to update)
Also, a new icon/logo may be coming soon. I have some already. Will probably vote on it once I'm back from my vacation.
Fixed possible NPE crash at startup
Fixed possible ANR freeze at boot
Fixed possible ANR freeze at package removal
Fixed crash with too many logfiles (auto-empties logs!)
Updated various internal functions to be async
Updated chattr version (fixes some instances of root loss)
Added "clear logs" action to actionbar in logs tab
Updated languages
Sweetish meatballs. Thank you very much, and keep up the great work.
Ty fr the quick updates....
Next update the actionbar icons will also be properly sized. Forgot to fix that this update. Probably next month though, due to my vacation time.
Great! Thanks for the good work...
Have a nice holiday and don't forget to come back ;-)
Thanks A Lot!
Good ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chainfire instale update y me dice: supersu binary need update y sale installed failed? Samsung tablet 2 10.1
2 thumps up! AMAZING.!
Bon travail !
Seems my SuperSU is broken. Tries to upgrade binaries and I get an Installation failed message. Tried re-rooting (3-4 times) and have had no luck. Is there anything I can do to get root working again?
+James Fridley me too....wish I knew what was going on! Maybe my trusty friend Google can help.....