Some time ago, I was talking about CFluent.
Posted on 2012-07-17, 13 comments, 29 +1's, imported from Google+/Chainfire

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A project that could potentially increase fluidity of the Android user interface.

Here's what happened, and why it ultimately didn't work:

chainfire[dev~blog] - Whatever happened to CFluent ?

Chainfire commented on 2012-07-17 at 10:29:

Once you get "sched_setaffinity" to work, it's really not that spectacular :)

Devonte Emokpae commented on 2012-07-17 at 10:37:

Seems like a logical thing to do... did he ever tell you what they

Devonte Emokpae commented on 2012-07-17 at 10:38:

Did for project butter?

Mawdo Jawo commented on 2012-07-17 at 10:47:

Was interesting but... Now would you do it the project butter way?

Jorrit Jongma commented on 2012-07-17 at 10:50:

+Devonte Emokpae Yes, look up the I/O talks. The videos should be posted on Youtube by now. +Romain Guy and friends devoted most of a session to explaining what they did for Project Butter.

+Mawdo Jawo Err no, as stated, Project Butter mostly gets rid of the entire problem. As such, CFluent would be even less useful now than it would have been pre-Jelly-Bean. Nevertheless, it was still an interesting and fun project to work on. That's why I posted it. Not everything works out as useful and well-working as planned ;)

Mawdo Jawo commented on 2012-07-17 at 10:56:

Right but project butter is only for Jelly Bean and I think +Chainfire was working for earlier versions, right?!

Chainfire commented on 2012-07-17 at 10:59:

+Mawdo Jawo Correct, but as stated, it has some major problems, and these will not be fixed (at least not by me) as it makes little sense specifically targeting Android versions that are now obsolete.

I think backwards compatibility is great and I always try to be as backwards compatible as possible, but specifically developing a complicated software you know is no longer needed on the latest OS version seems like a waste of time.

Daryl commented on 2012-07-17 at 12:36:

You'd probably have better luck just building a newer aosp ROM for those devices lol. But a package would have been interesting

Mawdo Jawo commented on 2012-07-17 at 17:14:

Okay now no hope for my #HTC DESIRE HD and #sgs2, another reason which confort me for buying the #GalaxyNexus 7 months ago ....

Joseph Lee commented on 2012-07-17 at 21:43:

This is something that always had to be fixed in the UI framework (userland/application) itself. All the core problems are there and not in the kernel-side kernel/thread-scheduling except maybe the touch/sound drivers.

This is pretty much the same Linux environment everybody is using everywhere, the hardware has never been lackluster, so it's really about rewriting the architecture of the Android UI and Renderer.

Christian Figura commented on 2012-07-17 at 22:27:

+Mawdo Jawo the fix Chainfire was working on would have never been a solution for either one of your old devices, since unfortunately none of the two has a multi core CPU.

Chainfire commented on 2012-07-17 at 22:28:

You are of course right +Joseph Lee, but every little bit helps, doesn't it :)

Joseph Lee commented on 2012-07-17 at 22:35:

+Chainfire right! It is an area where those lazy Android guys could put more work into.

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