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... rls ?
Let's see.
You need to verify your page first.
+Derek Ross Thanks, I'll look into that !
Well, I've at least submitted for verification now. Let's see what comes out of that. I'm not sure if my number of followers is meaningful - it's nowhere near what Android reviewesses with ample bosoms have, regardless of what they have to say ;)
+Chainfire Comparing to other pages with verified profiles, you're fine :) Good luck!
Dang, it's been minutes now. Might I have inadvertently stumbled into something that is somehow managed by Google's single human employee, instead of the expected automated service ?
As far as I know, yes, it is manually "verified" or whatever.
+1 for Chainfire becoming a Google+ VIP
Over 1000 followers apparently.
+Ivan Martinez Pages. Not personal profiles.
Indeed, pages. Can't be far off for personal ones though either.
I'm sure you can call el googs uo and demand your google+/chainfire url
I have no idea. I presume Carlos Cruz idea can work.
Number of sufficiently interested people (presumably Circled) is a "military secret." :-) so much for a hope of transparency. I think their verification policy is shrouded in such secrecy because they don't want to be flooded with requests.
Dude ur an android VIP legend Google should appreciate ur time and effort and grant u one for the fact that u have kept peeps like me happy and away from the dark side.
You would think an awesome dev such as yourself.. (who doesn't know Chainfire... in the rooted world?????) would get one quickly... :)
Especially if you show your bosoms. :-)
Je weet zelluf
Ja joh, laat je tieten zien, dan sal alles reg kom :)