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Keep up your great work!
Logo looks nice! :D
Cool beans. Will get on this after I get out of this meeting.
Love the new icon.
Loving the new icon
Both last two icons are crappy, unprofessional!
I liked the former big # icon.
Thank you.
Must say, the new logo makes it stand out from some IRC clients, which use the common channel name prefix "#" in their logo(s).
You're my android hero ;-)
hey man. I have a Samsung Galaxy Nexus (GSM) and it came with the stock JB. I managed to do a root, but when i install SuperSU it works flawlessly until I try to run app and give it permission. Cerberus and ES File Explorer always give me a message that SuperSU has crashed. Any solution on how to fix this? I also tried to remove 0.96 and install older binary (0.93) but it didn't help.
Very work
new icon is too cool!
Running jbsourcery 2.3.6 beta rom Franco milestone 5 on my Gnexus Verizon Lte. This app is a godsend! Keep it up!
Ok I found the problem. I set my system language to Croatian and it kept on crashing, but as soon as I switched to a English (US) locale, app kept on working normally without crashes. I thought that the error might be up to Croatian symbols in certain apps which require an UTF-8 encoding in the first place.
I don't know if this helps you or is it worth of fixing. You decide. And as a fellow developer I can understand your hard work so I decided to buy a pro version. Thank you sir.
I up to pro ver today, but after i open the app that it need supersu accses, it likes force closed (supersu 0.96). Did anything wrong for my system setting???
how to remove that