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As many people love it as hate it. Those who hate it seem to be even more vocal about it than with the old icon.
So here's your chance to do something about it. I'm holding a competition, you can submit your icon creations to me, and at a later stage we will have a public vote on it !
After that, I don't ever want to hear any of you about the icon again, deal ?
Follow the link to find the rules and how to submit.
Please reshare !
I could care less what it looks like it just woks and that's all I need. Keep up the great work and thank you
prefer the #, needs to be on a slight angle and terminal green on black IMO
Am sorry to hear you're receiving a ton of flak about the icon, but on the flip side it shows a lot of people do care about the "brand" of your product and how it's represented.
If you're gonna change it just use the silver S with the blue # overlaid, would look great!
(Nothing wrong with Super Andy though)
Your comments should go the page, I'm not keeping track of them here :) Also, you can suggest things all you want - but unless somebody draws them, it's not going to happen. I can't even draw stick figures myself.
There shall be no eyepatches, as this is the sole domain of ChainsDD's Superuser app. It'd be a bad thing to copy that.
If you put a "1" and a "0" in any two of the spaces in the new design (kind of like a binary thing) I'll be ok with I'M JOKING... I fully support your work on many of your pro versions.. icon design flaws and!
I like the "super" user icon... kinda cool
Love the new icon, don't change! Many thank for your work!
The hash is for su any nix user knows it... The hash should remain even if the icon is going to change
+Charles Daly +Chainfire eye patch patent wars ^_^
I love the new one. It seems more fationable on my phone screen.
Love the new icon too, and thanks for your awesome tool !! ^_^
In the first I hated new icon but now, I love it. The character is so cute
i better like roundsquares.but its look nice too keep up. :)
Cool about contest but its clear to me those complaining have nothing better to do. The pound symbol is symbolic to root access and anyone who knows better would agree it's a proper icon.
You can't please all of the people all of the time ;)
Five new contestants have been added ! Check out the updated page !
New icon is good, you can't please 'em all
Eleven new submissions, bringing the total to 18 !
I absolutely love the new fu&@%ng rocks.
There are now 97 (!) entries !
I like the new icon. That, and the app just works. One I set my prefs, I never have to look at it, so it's really no bug deal.
So when's the voting open?
I think end of next week or so.
You're the dev, do as you wish as long as it works!!
A least your giving them something to do.
You are great Chainfire. Keep up the good work your supersu is the best and it's the only sun I use. I just have one request make the mobile Odin available for the sgh t989 that's the only pro app of yours that I don't have.