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... lly enjoy DSLR Controller :)
Does that work with a nexus7?
Now if HTC could only magically give all of us stuck with the HTC Thunderbolt a free upgrade that would be magnificent!
Finally... Guess more people than me have written to HTC and asked for it... :)
+Mark Stronge I think it works since it has support for USB OTG Then again, you can always root it and put on what ever Android you want with support for it.. :)
'grats One X owners. I've been using this app for some time on my Nexus S and Nexus 7.
Cheers btw, +Chainfire.
Are there any youtube demos of this with the Nexus, seems to be a really good solution
Perhaps not with a Nexus but a demo of the software...
It's really good... Used it since the first release and it is worth the money..
Yeah, look more fun now !!
Whow if it works fine then....
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