Seems the Jelly Bean update for the HTC One X enables USB host support ! So you One X users can fina ...
Posted on 2012-11-06, 9 comments, 41 +1's, imported from Google+/Chainfire

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... lly enjoy DSLR Controller :)

Mark Stronge commented on 2012-11-06 at 09:43:

Does that work with a nexus7?

Matthew Garbett commented on 2012-11-06 at 09:43:

Now if HTC could only magically give all of us stuck with the HTC Thunderbolt a free upgrade that would be magnificent!

Per Ardne commented on 2012-11-06 at 10:07:

Finally... Guess more people than me have written to HTC and asked for it... :)

+Mark Stronge I think it works since it has support for USB OTG Then again, you can always root it and put on what ever Android you want with support for it.. :) 

Matt Jenkinson commented on 2012-11-06 at 10:53:

'grats One X owners. I've been using this app for some time on my Nexus S and Nexus 7.

Cheers btw, +Chainfire

Mark Stronge commented on 2012-11-06 at 11:04:

Are there any youtube demos of this with the Nexus, seems to be a really good solution

Per Ardne commented on 2012-11-06 at 11:57:

Perhaps not with a Nexus but a demo of the software... 

It's really good... Used it since the first release and it is worth the money.. 

test-chainfire app for android and canon

LeSScro dot com commented on 2012-11-06 at 14:49:

Yeah, look more fun now !!

Manfred Elsing commented on 2012-11-14 at 10:00:

Whow if it works fine then....

Ali Alquhali commented on 2012-12-04 at 20:09:

شكرا كثيرا

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