Triangle Away v2.35 released !
Posted on 2012-11-08, 6 comments, 93 +1's, imported from Google+/Chainfire

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Adds support for:

--- Samsung Galaxy S3 Korea SHV-E210 K/L/S

--- Samsung Galaxy S3 Korea SHW-M440S

--- Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Korea SHV-E250 K/L/S

--- Samsung Galaxy Note 2 AT&T/Canada SGH-I317/M

(Play will take a few hours to update)

[root] Triangle Away

정인식 commented on 2012-11-08 at 14:40:

thank you for support korean divices:D

Chainfire commented on 2012-11-08 at 18:00:

This shouldn't be related to KIES recognizing the tablet... flash a full stock firmware for starters... after that, not sure.

cesar david2017 commented on 2012-11-09 at 00:49:

Buenas noches puedo utilizarlo en note n7000 con rom LRQ

Christopher Ezeff commented on 2012-11-09 at 07:03:

is it at all possible to have some development for SGS3 in Japan...the SC-06D....its kinda hard here because of the language would be ultra appreciated...

boody ghadban commented on 2012-11-12 at 06:46:

Dear Chainfire, thanks a lot for your great effort, i falshed some custom firmwares by mobile odin on a chineese galaxy note 2, the new roms worked well "play store added ...", but i still see some chineese stuff such as the calender, and the firmware update is blocked !! ... should i flash them in another way or try other roms ?

nasser Alharthi commented on 2012-12-06 at 20:21:


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