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Adds support for:
--- Samsung Galaxy S3 Korea SHV-E210 K/L/S
--- Samsung Galaxy S3 Korea SHW-M440S
--- Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Korea SHV-E250 K/L/S
--- Samsung Galaxy Note 2 AT&T/Canada SGH-I317/M
(Play will take a few hours to update)
thank you for support korean divices:D
This shouldn't be related to KIES recognizing the tablet... flash a full stock firmware for starters... after that, not sure.
Buenas noches puedo utilizarlo en note n7000 con rom LRQ
is it at all possible to have some development for SGS3 in Japan...the SC-06D....its kinda hard here because of the language would be ultra appreciated...
Dear Chainfire, thanks a lot for your great effort, i falshed some custom firmwares by mobile odin on a chineese galaxy note 2, the new roms worked well "play store added ...", but i still see some chineese stuff such as the calender, and the firmware update is blocked !! ... should i flash them in another way or try other roms ?