Mobile ODIN has been updated to v3.55 !
Posted on 2012-11-11, 13 comments, 163 +1's, imported from Google+/Chainfire

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  • Added: ACRA crash reporting

  • Added: Generic filesystem warnings if storage's filesystem is unsupported

  • Fixed: exFAT support on S3, Note2 and Note10.1 (new flashkernels)

  • Fixed: Native code performance

  • Fixed: Flicker when AROMA installer is used

  • Added: Support for:

--- AT&T/Canada Galaxy Note 2 SGH-I317/M

--- TMOUS Galaxy Note 2 SGH-T889

--- Sprint Galaxy Note 2 SPH-L900

--- US Cellular Galaxy Note 2 SCH-R950

[root] Mobile ODIN Pro

Robert Clark commented on 2012-11-11 at 21:09:

Odin is quite a tool. Dont leave home without it. Lol...

boody ghadban commented on 2012-11-12 at 06:48:

Dear Chainfire, thanks a lot for your great effort, i falshed some custom firmwares by mobile odin on a chineese galaxy note 2, the new roms worked well "play store added ...", but i still see some chineese stuff such as the calender, and the firmware update is blocked !! ... should i flash them in another way or try other roms ?

Robert Clark commented on 2012-11-13 at 00:09:

Hey bro. Did you unlock bootloader^

boody ghadban commented on 2012-11-13 at 06:18:

hey Robert, actually because of the bootloader i could not flash the ROM by the regular (desktop version) odin, thus i bought the mobile odin to flash it. how can i unlock it ? and is it beneficial ?

another thing, in my mobile odin, the wiping option is not enabled can i know why ? and how could i enable it ? i think by this option i can discard any remaining chineese stuff.

Greier Matthias commented on 2012-11-23 at 02:34:

Always get "Could not locate Mobile ODIN package", Newest Pro version bought and installed. Samsung Galaxy S, 2.1

Hope you can help

Saiful Bahri commented on 2012-11-25 at 19:21:

Good job

Gordon White commented on 2012-11-26 at 18:35:

Thanks for a great product!  I just used mobile Odin install Stock back to my VZW GS3. After it came back up, I tried to uninstall Mobile Odin but could not. Can you tell me how to remove it? my phone is now back to stock, and not rooted.  Thanks.

Charles Jordan commented on 2012-11-29 at 13:32:

Would like to purchase pro version but Google won't allow it because I'm deployed to Afghanistan. Is there another way?

Brian Fairlamb commented on 2012-12-05 at 08:12:

yes get it off me

nasser Alharthi commented on 2012-12-06 at 20:19:

Its good job but not trust it,

Gordon White commented on 2012-12-06 at 20:22:

I would still like to know how to REMOVE this application. I reverted to stock and unrooted, and was never able to uninstall the application. Even when the phone was rooted.  Can someone help me out? thanks.

Gordon White commented on 2012-12-07 at 17:47:

I ended up using Desktop Odin, to flash the stock rom. This removed Mobile Odin Pro. (and everything else), my flash counter did not get tripped in this process, (which is expected when flashing a stock rom so I have learned)

Marcus Mitchell commented on 2013-01-15 at 17:40:

Not sure if this is the right forum for my comment...happy to chat elsewhere.

I tried using Mobile Odin (v3.57) with FlashKernel I9300-v3.0 and FW

All going fine until the phone reboots. Little blue Android appears, white text scrolls and very quickly disappears. Phone reboots back to the blue fella and it gets stuck in this loop.

Only way to recover is to boot into Download and re-flash.

Help me're our only hope!

Many thanks in advance


CyanogenMod 10.1020130110-NIGHTLY-i9300

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