Hurrah, I got ! ...
Posted on 2012-11-21, 9 comments, 124 +1's, imported from Google+/Chainfire

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Adam Outler commented on 2012-11-21 at 12:50:

Congratulations! How did you do it?

Paul Clark commented on 2012-11-21 at 12:54:

Congrats dude

Chainfire commented on 2012-11-21 at 12:56:

+Adam Outler Got verified first (which took some time), then I applied somewhere (not sure exactly where), then waited a few months :)

Malte commented on 2012-11-21 at 12:58:

And now release your voodoo sound app for sgs3 :D

Lindsay unfunk Freeman commented on 2012-11-21 at 13:01:

dammit, I want "+unfunk" now :(

Anil Arya commented on 2012-11-21 at 13:04:

Congrats do you get this ?

Martin Quintana commented on 2012-11-21 at 13:08:

He has a "verified page name". It's only for google pages, see the icons after "Chainfire" title on the top. You can also do: and get directly to Toyota's official and verified page.

PD: +Google We want this for people's account too :D

John ara commented on 2012-11-23 at 11:44:

Way to goo!

francois lagoas commented on 2012-11-26 at 00:25:

Congratulations !!!

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