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This update brings more Jelly Bean 4.2 related fixes, hopefully it works fine for everybody now. All testers have been positive so far - no more empty folders or files not opening.
Play should update within a few hours of this posting.
Nexus 4 compatible?
+Arvind Maheshwari That has nothing to do with StickMount...
The Nexus 4 doesn't support USB OTG/Host at the moment. It appears that it should have had support for this (Google's manuals and advertising state it does), but at the moment it is not operational. Google is the party who needs to fix that, but I would definitely not hold my breath.
The Galaxy Nexus had the same problem at release, and that was fixed really quickly. Google's continued silence on the very same subject with the Nexus 4 leads me to believe they may not (be able to) fix it.
This is fairly well known, lots of people have posted a lot about this, and I do believe any decent search would have turned up this information...
Oh OK. Thanks for the update and great work .
So does this solve the new way that 4.2 seperate mounting per apps now?
Well, Google screwed up things with the latest updates/devices...
They had that dumb calendar bug (with the missing December), the touch was kinda broken on the initial Nexus 7 firmware, they managed to kill the CIFS on Nexus 7 4.2, the issue with the OTG on Nexus 4... a lot of "small" issues, very annoying for the Android enthusiasts.
Thank you +Chainfire
+Thomas Larsen It should. Please test it out and make sure that it does.
Thanks Chainfire. Works fine here with my Nexus 7 3G.
Still doesn't work for me. Galaxy Nexus running rooted 4.2.1, I use Solid Explorer for file browsing.
usbStorage/sda1 still show up as empty ^^;
Thank you sir.
Thank you, works great now.
Still doesn't work for me on Nexus 7 with ext2 partition (empty directory, sudo mount doesn't list it). Same USB stick mounted without problems on 4.1.2.
Anyone know if this works on the nexus 10?
+Phillip Maiden Works on mine!
Love this app!
NTFS Write not working. Read work fine with the ntfs-3g binary in /sdcard.
+Kim Nilsson Please try this test version I just released on XDA:
Will do as soon as I get home.
There's still some other problem (stock N7). I still get an empty directory with an ext2 stick. However I found that Stickmount successfully mounts the stick after I manually mount it somewhere else. Any idea? Is there some debug output I can grab somewhere?
2.1.1 can write to NTFS usbstick!
16 GB Kingston DT101 G2
I did a manual mount, since the program hadn't been SU'd after update. I'll try with auto-mount too, right after I uninstall "competing software". :-)
Thanks chainfire this has saved me some money then, only need to buy 16gb now :-)
No errors with SwiftKey for me.
Can I mount my usb external hdd with this application to my SGN GTN7000
+aboobacker anzil just try it.