SuperSU v1.00 has been released !
Posted on 2013-01-28, 22 comments, 213 +1's, imported from Google+/Chainfire

NOTICE: This content was originally posted to Google+, then imported here. Some formatting may be lost, links may be dead, and images may be missing.

The update should be available from Google Play right about now, and if not, you can always download and install it from XDA. The linked article has links to all the places you may wish to go, and serves as the release notes for v1.00.


chainfire[dev~blog] - SuperSU v1.00 has been released !

Ādi-Kartā Dāsa commented on 2013-01-28 at 19:38:

Just bought SuperSu Pro. Thanks!

Joe Philipps commented on 2013-01-28 at 20:05:

First and foremost, thanks for your work.  It serves very well.  I just want to make sure you understand the following is merely my thoughts agreeing with your decision, not really a criticism.

Honestly, the lack of multiuser use is due to overall multiuser funkiness.  It's like the transition from Win9x to Win2K or WinNT.  A fairly high percentage of apps both on Win9x and pre-4.2 Android seem to make quite a few assumptions and function poorly or not at all with other-than-owner UIDs.  And just like that 9x to NT transition, I predict it will be YEARS, maybe even close to a decade, before multiuser on Android could be called "usable."  It will be a cute little toy until the majority of apps become multiuser aware (at least where it matters).  It's a pity just like in the 9x case multiuser wasn't baked in from the get-go.  There are some good pragmatic reasons in each case why it wasn't, but still...

Heck, I have a second user on my Nx7 but it gets used so rarely because close to nothing works, not even my preferred GO Launcher.  I want to, desperately, because it's just best practice to run with the fewest rights to accomplish the task, but just like a lot of the software on WinNT which was originally designed in the Win9x days, it's usually impossible to run as a non-administrator, or likewise, non-owner under Andy.  It's also kinda silly to me that software installed under owner is not by default available to other users; shouldn't it be like root installing an rpm or a deb??

Chainfire commented on 2013-01-28 at 20:19:

+Joe Philipps well to be fair, there's isn't really that much you can do as owner that you cannot do as non-owner - the difference is far from administrator/root vs normal user on desktops. Personally I don't really see the use - at this time.

A major difference is of course root-y apps because they do stuff outside of the API. A normal app really shouldn't have much problem running as non-owner.

Makes me wonder which issues exactly you have run into, and whether they really are the result of owner/non-owner or just sloppy API use in the programs you use. Maybe this is not the right place or time, though.

As for installing for multiple users, I think a few things could be said regarding what might be ideal under different circumstances. However, something that is certainly not ideal is that there doesn't seem to be a way to manage installations across users. According to some Android engineers I talked to, there really isn't it (not using pm commands or something like that). I hope they were wrong but I couldn't find it myself anyway.

I do now that one of the requirements for SuperSU multi-user is going to be that SuperSU needs to be installed as a system app (seems everybody gets system apps) or for separately, but for every user that requires root access. Its all rather messy!

Joe Philipps commented on 2013-01-28 at 20:23:

+Chainfire: Thank you for your thoughts.  I would tend to agree, a separate thread discussing and debating the multiuser issue would probably be more appropriate, and I apologize. 

Matteo Panella commented on 2013-01-28 at 20:31:

Pleased to report that the orientation issues on my P5110 are gone, now I can use my folding case without having to worry about the infamous flashing SuperSU prompts :-)

Eric Espinoza commented on 2013-01-28 at 20:56:

Thanks a million

Bjørn Julin commented on 2013-01-28 at 22:08:

Thanks for the update. Glad I just got pro ! :-D

Dario Ferretti commented on 2013-01-28 at 22:34:


Herve FARNER commented on 2013-01-28 at 22:40:

very nice, I'm going to  update it

D Hogan commented on 2013-01-29 at 02:24:


david ponce commented on 2013-01-29 at 04:04:

Thanks you

Arther Casillas commented on 2013-01-29 at 06:37:


Johnny Bravo commented on 2013-01-29 at 06:52:

wooohooo .... chainfire for next President !!

Markus Schuckert commented on 2013-01-29 at 09:23:

updated to version 1.0, now my sgs3 does not respond anymore to my input after a restart. drains battery and is unusable...


Paolo Di Sciorio commented on 2013-01-29 at 10:03:


Chainfire commented on 2013-01-29 at 12:19:

+Markus Schuckert please report to the thread on XDA

Pietari Heino commented on 2013-01-29 at 13:28:


Jacky Young commented on 2013-01-29 at 14:51:


Jorge Mar commented on 2013-01-29 at 18:54:

+Joe Philipps same discontent here... bought Nexus 7 and with 4.2 I thought my daughter could have her own user environment without interference in mine... sadly wrong.

Carlos Pineda commented on 2013-01-30 at 02:31:

Gracias men ya lo tengo y probando

杨峰峰 commented on 2013-01-30 at 09:12:

tHank you dude

ahmad afwan commented on 2013-01-30 at 16:46:

Thx man...hope to c more from u...

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