NOTICE: This content was originally posted to Google+, then imported here. Some formatting may be lost, links may be dead, and images may be missing.
Unlike my Twitter account - which is a 24/7 random thought machine for me - I try to keep my G+ feed rather clean.
What I do wonder is how many of those following me here are Android developers. And if there are a bunch of them, whether there is any interest in more technical content now and then (articles about code and such).
I am developing back-end apps. Not so techy stuff, like you do ;)
I'm an Android developer for both a hobby and as my job.
I'm not a developer, but I understand the technical data surrounding the work. I like to hear more of the process.
Android developer here.
Not an android dev.
I'm an Android kernel and ROM dev/chef as a hobby, and a non-Android dev as a profession. I'd love to some more technical article here. :)
Not an android dev, I just watch here for updates and info.
i am not a dev :)
Android dev here. More technical content would be appreciated!
I've developed an app for android to control a RC-Car with my self-built receiver (bluetooth-based) but I don't really like app-development - I'm more a lowlevel-coder such as own kernels or microcontrollers ;)
Android dev here, more technical content would be of great interest.
Android enthusiastic ... starting an Android 12 weeks programming training: )
Small-time Android dev and occasional contributor to both CyanogenMod (translations, mostly) and TWRP (hacking my way towards support for P5100 and P5110/P5113).
More technical content is wholeheartedly welcome :-)
I'm somewhat of a developer, and I find any technical info extremely interesting. :)
I am a developer and definitely interested in a bit more technical posts.
Still learning how to code. We follow you because you rock. I would be checking the posts out more but Ingress has swallowed my life whole. I have a problem.
I follow you cause i want to learn.
I think you should post pics of your flatmates models #justsaying
+Ubuntu Bhoy thats years ago now :)
Ahh well, I can but dream.
Also an occasional CM contributor (not just translations). I think G+ is the perfect place for higher-level discussion.
I know several dev's, including myself that follow you on G+ and twitter...we always appreciate you, your work and whatever info you provide us with...
I'm a programmer, but I'm not motivated enough to be considered a developer. I love technical content, the more, the better!
I have a couple of apps that I've been developing. Technical content would not be a bad thing :-)
I'm just starting to learn to code. Would love some technical posts.
I am, my master...
RC at XDA, would love some knowledgeable, in-depth content every now and then, along with the context so that us lesser-technical people can understand it :P
Not an Android Developer (one app). I am however an Electrical Engineer in an ever more Software world. Technical (both hardware and software) posts would be welcomed.
Im not a developer but i'd love to begin to learn and i'd follow the posts diligently
I'm a geek but not a developer, I still enjoy learning about and reading techy things. Post away my good man!
I'm new to the development scene... I'm building my first 4.2.1 ROM for release, and I'm always trying to learn, so any extra info I can get my hands on is always appreciated. Keep up the great work +Chainfire
I'd love to see more tech stuff
I'm a dev and I would like more technical stuff too.
I'm not a dev, but I'm a bit of a tech geek
I'm not a dev but would appreciate any fun or technical stuff you feel the urge to spit out onto here.
Not a dev just following for updates and your humor.
I'm a dev, but I haven't tried to develope for Android yet. A bit more technical stuff would be nice.
I develop android by buying your apps! :p
+Chainfire y u no open sauce some of you stuff that we talked about.
I am not a developer yet but I am on that road. Learning Java with ADT/Eclipse and the hard/firmware stuff (rooting, custom ROM/kernel). I would definitely like to see some more technical content!
Not a software dev by choice, but I do mess about with sw and hardware a fair bit, so technical articles would be appreciated (particularly as a reference for when things go wrong)
Not a dev, just following your updates.
I am not an android developer but I really want to be in the future! !
Not a software developer, let alone on Android (I work on hardware), but would like to read technical posts and learn from them.
I'm not a dev, but I wouldn't mind technical posts.
I'm a college student and also an Android dev.
Not a dev, but wanted to say you guys are awesome and thank you for your hard work!
Developer and sysadmin but not an android developer. Techy posts would not bother me at all. But you don't need my permission! It's your g+ account. I'd rather hear whatever you feel like talking about than what you think the majority of your followers wants you to talk about. Or if it turns out I'm not interested, so what?
Technical content is good
I'm an apps developer, not nearly as close to the inner workings, but I'd like to see what else you'd like to say.
The only thing I develop is music.Though, I would like to lean how to make android apps. Technical posts would probably fly over my head.
MOAR CODE! :P Maybe some details of Samsung's SysScope?
Not a developer, yet. Definitely would like technical content.
Yes, yes, and maybe.
Not an android Dev, but I do mainline Linux and quite a bit of android community support.
not a developer yet but wouldnt mind the more techical stuff
I'm up for any updates you send out. I do Java dev anyway, just not Android development so anything technical is always fun. Sad, I just equated Java development to "fun". Does that make me a geek/nerd?
I am a developer but have not yet started developing for android. Definitely keen to learn so fire away.
not a dev here, but I love reading the "technical stuff"!
More dev talk pls.. Myn
I am a developer (for a living) and an occasional (hobbyist) android developer (1 published app 2 years ago and 2 on the grill that I may finish some time :)). Definitively interested in technical stuff +Chainfire ;)
I'm a programmer, but not on android. I'd be happy to read technical posts
Not an Android developer BUT deffinetly an enthusiast, IT technician & love your work! Keep it up my friend...
Post away!
Hey, follower to dead. Lol Wen we get the update sph-710 galaxy note 2 on super user pro? Thanks!!
Hobbyist dev here. Would certainly love to read some technical posts.
Just a fan.
Dev but only as a hobbie =/
Totally would be interested in code stuff.
Windows and Linux Dev here and ocassional android dev and i would love more technical stuff here
I would love to have some technical content
Is there a way that you could have some sort of channel for people that have a good understanding of rooting and rom management and a separate channel for developers that understand code and could discuss it?
I'm not a developer.. I just throw money at your apps.. even if I don't need them. Your apps (particularly Mobile Odin) have saved me from many a headache..
Excelente trabajo, muchas gracias por el esfuerzo!!!
I mostly make mods, icons, boot animations, etc but have made a few personal apps. Love android and the tech around it.
i am developing an app. So I would love some tutorials of things
I'm a experienced developer, but just starting on android and ndk, I develop games mostly, but all technical stuff is more than welcome
Do more tech!
I develop things
Dev here too, would like to see more techie stuffs
Have been waiting for technical content from my DROID circle. +Adam Outler and +Andrew Dodd feeds are technical and interesting
I was actually a COBOL developer. Haven't found a good way to translate that into Android. Just hoping for one last Y2K-like scenario so I can go out with a bang.
I would definitely appreciate more technical content, since I do not currently use Twitter very much. I am a beginning (less than a year of experience) Android and Java (and very limited C and Python 2) developer.
Just a big fan of your skills. A teacher by profession!
Software engineer right here, somewhat of an android developer
Im a developer, not apps though. Technical posts are welcome.
Surely there's a lot of hobby devs like myself that would like it very much to profit from your knowledge here and there.
I'm just a big fan of your apps and work. Keep on going !
Not a Android dev but I love your technical posts.
Dev here, followin your work. Interested in any tech content also.
Aspiring dev. Please talk turkey.
I'm a dev.
I follow you, "omdat het kan" ;)
Oh ja ook omdat je apps beestachtig geweldig zijn. Gewoon een gebruiker...
Hi. Keep your very good work forever please :)
Hi I'm a photographer and you have made my phone a better place thus enriching my life a little so I thought I'd follow you and see what you're about. I'm on here too if you want to check come check me out :) and by the way thanks.
I want to learn more tech=happy
I'm a simply Android user, with two of your apps onboard. I appreciate your work. Greetings from Poland! ;-)
I'm also a android user. Using treangle away and supersu pro
but there is no problem if U inform a bit more technical content
I am an android developer/hacker/embedded systems hacker and a member of the CyanogenMod team and I follow most of, if not all of, your work on the various other channels and would totally welcome more technical content/discussions here on your plus page. Looking forward for what's to come. I am sure I speak for the masses when I say thank you for all your contributions to Android and the community as a whole.
Android dev here as well, gimme knowledge! ^-^
I have only a vague idea what I am doing, I do not mind more technical content, but would not mind something catered to my rather more basic interests every now and then. Thanks for all the great work!
I'm just an android user but more info will be appreciated here. So keep it up. Thank you for your great apps.
I am an amateur programmer that is starting to get interested in Android development, so technical content is very welcome :-)
Devel here.
Not developer, but still curios about your work :)
Although I am not yet a dev, I would like to get more into code, I do have some experience and would find this educational.
Dev interested in technical or even a peak at a get respitory with some open source code. More interested in Ubuntu Phone and projects involving phone tv and desktop. I see potential brewing but nothing technical just adds.
I picked up my phone and it was on this post after reading a few more and figuring out where I am I see you do post source codeon your site. Cool
I'm not a dev I theme a little but i wouldnt mind some tech post here and there
Im an advanced end user. Lol
Can the one click root be used for the tmobile note 2?