SuperSU has been updated to v1.04 !
Posted on 2013-02-01, 34 comments, 326 +1's, imported from Google+/Chainfire

NOTICE: This content was originally posted to Google+, then imported here. Some formatting may be lost, links may be dead, and images may be missing.

I think I've finally tracked down the last freeze/crash issues that were introduced in v1.00 for a handful of users.

I did expect issues with v1.00 due to some of the changes, but the problems that have popped up are not of the kind I expected. The dumpstate issue fixed in v1.02 for example ( ) was quite unexpected.

The problem (hopefully) fixed now has to do with Android's pm (PackageManager) component. And not one issue, but two, both ending up in the exact same behavior in SuperSU. If people are still suffering from the crash/freeze issue when going to logs or settings now, that would mean a third issue exists (and I will probably go insane).

The first of the two PackageManager issues was quickly found and had to do with a crash internal to the PackageManager on some Android versions under certain environment conditions. That was easily solved.

The second issue proved to be quite a bit more evasive, as we (eventually) figured out it only occurs when USB debugging is disabled, and only on certain Android versions (exact prerequisites unknown, but it is not very common). In this case, PackageManager would never return from some commands.

Now, I know there are various more issues with PackageManager that I have run into over time, but so far none of those have any effect on SuperSU. I'll need to remind myself to be extra careful in the future if any code involves PackageManager.

All in all, I would rather have not spent the full last 3 days bughunting these odd issues. I would rather have spent them on fixing and updating other apps.

Also new this update is that the PIN codes are no longer forgotten if the user uninstall Pro. This to prevent a malicious user just uninstalling Pro and getting access to root.

Direct link to flashable ZIP (MO, TWRP, CWM):

NOTE: v1.04 will not show up on Play until a while after this post. So please make sure you are actually download 1.04 and not an older version :)


John Wickenhauser commented on 2013-02-01 at 12:35:

Awesome as always. Thank you sir. Without intelligent people like you are devices would suck!

Pablo Arcia commented on 2013-02-01 at 12:36:


George Petroff commented on 2013-02-01 at 12:37:

Working great. Thank you.

Markus Schuckert commented on 2013-02-01 at 12:39:

thanks chainfire :)

Andreas Brill commented on 2013-02-01 at 12:45:

Great :) thx

老忍嘉 commented on 2013-02-01 at 13:02:


Sungmoon Han commented on 2013-02-01 at 13:10:

thanks a lot...

Krzysztof Skrzypczak commented on 2013-02-01 at 13:34:


GwongFai Tong commented on 2013-02-01 at 13:45:

thx! I support u!

Melody Concerto commented on 2013-02-01 at 14:00:


Ziggy Winnicki commented on 2013-02-01 at 14:13:

Awesome as always. Thank you from the land down under :-)

Brigitte Ogilvie commented on 2013-02-01 at 14:25:

Well done and thanks!

Mohd Hyder Ali Khan commented on 2013-02-01 at 16:18:


Cody Toombs commented on 2013-02-01 at 17:35:

You're a rockstar, much respect

Boris B. commented on 2013-02-01 at 17:37:

Thanks a lot.

Muamar Jasim commented on 2013-02-01 at 18:29:

عمل جيد

FR 1975 commented on 2013-02-01 at 18:55:

thanks Chain keep rocking!!!

greller grellsen commented on 2013-02-01 at 20:26:

Bought pro today

Thanks for your work :-)

douglas strait commented on 2013-02-01 at 22:27:

What is this

Miguel Cime commented on 2013-02-01 at 23:59:


Андрей Сокол commented on 2013-02-02 at 04:41:

Хуйня полная! !!!!!!!

Joyprakash Lairenlakpam commented on 2013-02-02 at 06:32:

Thanks a million!

JM Asmolo commented on 2013-02-02 at 13:57:

Thanks this is nice

Edward Blakeny commented on 2013-02-02 at 15:33:

Hi. The latest update broke root on my nexus 7

Jassem saleh commented on 2013-02-02 at 16:02:

Thanks a lots


Edward Blakeny commented on 2013-02-02 at 16:19:

Confirmed I had to reroot my nexus 7

Joe Philipps commented on 2013-02-02 at 20:09:

two things this time round: my settings went away, and USB debugging got turned off at the point my Nex7 said it was doing its updates during reboot. But this time around I used Titanium Backup's BusyBox tar function to back up /data/data/eu.chainfire.supsersu before integating into /system from within the app. We'll see how well "untarring" works. The one reason I can think this might be happening is that the UID in the system for SuperSU.apk so it started over with the whole directory hierarchy for that app.

EDIT: yes, the tar backup worked well for restoring the settings; no anomalies so far.

Nom De Plume commented on 2013-02-03 at 19:55:

I don't know where best to suggest new features but here goes. 

I have had several apps that didn't run with root. I simply used SuperSU settings and unchecked Superuser. The app started up and all was good except that I forgot to go back and re enable Superuser and several apps failed to run. It would be most helpful to have a time limit for disabling Superuser. The apps that didn't run with root (DRM) enabled only seem to check at startup so a 5 minute time limit would have been sufficient. 

Thanks for a great product, or rather several products.

Ferhat Bülbül commented on 2013-02-07 at 19:46:


I have updated my phone to the latest firmware "N7100XXDLK7 - N7100XXDMA6".

I have rooted it but then supersu app did not come up to my device menu. I have downloaded it from Play market. Is this a bug or what is wrong ?


Jon Kujawa commented on 2013-02-10 at 05:41:

I would love to see hide the super user icon in the launcher with the pro version.

Elizabeth I commented on 2013-02-16 at 18:18:


한혁 commented on 2013-02-18 at 08:32:

wow it's great. fantastic

有排搞 commented on 2013-02-19 at 05:55:

Hello,how to root the n7000 xxlso Hk

George WU commented on 2013-02-19 at 12:21:

do you have other solution of payment for pro version(like paypal?

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