NOTICE: This content was originally posted to Google+, then imported here. Some formatting may be lost, links may be dead, and images may be missing.
As requested by many, here is a tutorial explaining how I built support for multiple icons into SuperSU. It's really quite simple once you understand how it was done ;)
It's too long for a G+ post, so I put it on my blog. Enjoy!
chainfire[dev~blog] - [TUT] Supporting multiple icons in your app
+Chainfire Great article! I have a use-case where I need to provide the user an option to change the "default mode" of my app. This effectively means changing the Launcher Activity so that the next time the user launches my app, a different Activity is launched. I was considering using the "normal" approach (create an intermediate no-UI Activity as the Launcher Activity - this in turn starts the appropriate Activity based on user settings).
However, after reading your article, I am going to experiment with setComponentEnabledSetting for this use case.
Love it, thanks mate, will be really useful.
Hey I wanted to use SuperSu to install but the new 4.2.2 but couldnt figure it out can you direct me to a tutorial or something?