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This is mostly a maintenance release to the previous update, fixing some bugs and some minor improvements.
The only bigger change I want to mention is that the performance on high res devices like the Nexus 10 has been improved, due to taking advantage of hardware scaling where possible. This reduces latency and improves fps on device whose native resolution is (much) higher than that of the liveview image itself.
The full changelog can be found here:
love this on the 6D
+Julian Marques +Ivan Yort +luis cesar Paiva look at this app.
Could you do this for an android phone's camera to be co trolled by another phone? Thanks.
Any chance to target cameras other than canon? Specifically Olympus/Panasonic Micro Four Thirds?
One day maybe, but not any time soon.
I am loving the app, put together a quick video showcasing the wifi and image saving feature. DSLR Controller App - Wifi & Saving Images
Can you make this to work on a Nikon DSLR ? If it so! let me know
+Waldemar Mercado it does not work with Nikon but I believe there is other software/apps that will. Search the play store for Nikon Wireless.
Where is the best place to submit bug reports and possible feature requests? The XDA-Forum?
+Rich Gastwirt yes