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I'll probably be asleep when Play actually starts updating, so here's the release notes a bit early. Minor update just fixing some stuff and adding some often requested settings.
Fix possible crash at normal daydream exit
Fix freeze at power cord pull while daydreaming
Changed triple tap algorithm - no longer pops up during fast swiping
Triple tap to open 500px is now optional
Loading a new image on rotation is now optional
Added option to refresh image each time the home screen is shown
Quite possibly the best live wallpaper ever. Amazing thanks xD
+Henri Sweers It's in the settings under categories to choose which scenes you prefer.
Expecting what?
+Henri Sweers in the settings mark what type of wallpapers you want.
If you want, you can have a new par of boobs every 5 minutes :-)
Awesome, new update works very well - Thanks
Amazing +Chainfire. So blown away that it inspired me to get the Pro version of SuperSU. Keep up the great work!
The content is awesome.... and addictive. Everyone is envious of this! Excellent work!
I just wanted to tell you that this app is great! Thank you for developing and sharing it
Wow is the word :)
Same issue with note 2 changes on screen rotate. But in a way I like the rotation change
This is the coolest wallpaper I've tried, keep up the awesome work!
Keep getting pictures of landscapes and girls in lingerie while the only selected category is City & Architecture. The girls are very well built though.
I love dis one
Love this app!
Tried looking for a way to report this.. it made my standard desktop clock widget disappear. Is this normal behaviour? Jelly Bean 4.2.2
I love this app and I love 500px too, whould be nice an option to Search images by keyword like 'infrared' if I want to have only infrared images wallpapers ;)
REALLY thanks for this every home screen option. now it`s PERFECT!!
+Chainfire thanks for this app I'm really enjoying it. After this update I'm getting the "face unlock" window almost everytime right after the daydream starts, and a couple times randomly, it doesn't matter if it recognize me or not the day dream keeps rolling (as suppossed cause I didn't tap anything). I'm running Android 4.4 on my Nexus 7 2013 with face unlock as the primary unlock mechanism. Also the triple tap takes me directly to the website overriding the unlock mechanism.
EDIT: it overrides the face unlock IF it match my face on the previous ramdom appiarence of the face unlock window.
Wait Does This Hack Android?
I hope it does
+Henri Sweers hence the NSFW feature. If the image is not marked NSFW by the uploader, there really isn't anything I can do about it.
+Karolis Pocius the thing no longer refreshes just because of rotate (if you turn that option off in settings). However, if Nova launcher is implemented to restart itself on screen rotation instead of re-layouting itself (the former is actually quite normal for apps) then it will reload the wallpaper, which triggers a new image to be shown. I'm not sure I'm going to put any time in working around that case, technically it's a Nova launcher issue.
+Gordon Scott No, definitely not. And it's definitely not something the app does. It may be a side effect of selecting a live wallpaper, or an issue with your launcher, or ...
+Sandro Forbice Quite probably not happening
+Joaquin Montenegro No idea, sorry.
+Chainfire this isn't something related to the app, I was able to replicate the issue with ANY daydream I tried. Sorry.
Can You Hack Xbox Live
Great work thank's :)
Superb app. Could you akka adding Flickr as well?
A good to have feature would be to have your own Flickr / 500px account's pics appear here
Disappeared in the program of "nude" women. It does not work...... :(
Nexus 4, Stock Jelly Bean 4.3
Pls help me . I have mobile note 2 . I updated rom to 4.3 and delete rom coz is not complate after back to creat rom 4.1.2 Is not accept any rom . Pls help me to back v.4.1.2
I downloaded 5 rom for note 2 . No accept also . Pls help me or send me linke for rom and back my mobile
Amazing app ... Thanks for writing it and giving for free
Beautiful App, but as I can see the pictures with the parallaxe effect on my s4?