NOTICE: This content was originally posted to Google+, then imported here. Some formatting may be lost, links may be dead, and images may be missing.
One of the big things of this release is that it stops breaking root on a number of (mostly HTC One) firmwares, as well as various x86 devices.
If you are one of the few x86 users, I would recommend upgrading to this release immediately, even if you have an older working x86 su version. There appears to be a rather serious credential checking failure in the x86 bionic library the su binary is built against - I'm not sure if it's exploitable, but better safe than sorry.
Additionally, some security features have been added.
The attached link goes to the latest ZIP file. Google Play ( ) should start updating in a few hours. The XDA discussion thread is here:
Fixed x86 breakage
Workaround x86 (bionic) credential checking failure
Fixed ZIP oddities that may break installation
Binary now denies root if PIN code set previously but GUI not present
Su during boot behavior is now configurable (allow if no GUI installed)
Renamed temporary internal shell
Added question to disable KNOX popups if present
Added option to enforce ACCESS_SUPERUSER permission
Fixed some devices losing root
Assorted personal shizzle
Plumbers managed to cut through one of the hot water pipes in my apartment - with the water still running through it. Quite a bit of water has run through my apartment, resulting in substantial damage.
As I live on the 5th floor, you can imagine the people below me have it even worse, as the water came down through the ceiling for them (and all the floors below).
This is a pretty messy situation and will take a lot of time, effort, and legal pushing and pulling to resolve properly (so many people involved), not even considering the repairs itself (new floors, painting, etc)
Fortunately, my office is still dry, no data has been lost, and I can laugh about it ... but this will definitely put me even further behind on app maintenance and new research and developments than I already am. Arf.
+Chainfire continuing to be awesome in the face of adversity. If you guys haven't purchased SuperSU Pro yet, I highly recommend it to support a great dev:
Thanks, +Chainfire, you're the best. Hope your messy situation will be resolved very soon.
1.8 still giving me the "no SU binary installed" must be and the way I'm installing this. I can appreciate your situation though and am in no rush to get root. Thanks for doing what you do!
Best of luck with your secret lair repairs.
Wow what a mess hopefully they had insurance that will cover your losses. Thanks for everything you do for us all
+Jennifer Song I had this issue too and ended up downloading, rebooting into CWM Recovery, pushing the ZIP via ADB to /sdcard/0, flashing the ZIP using CWM Recovery and rebooting.
Playstore already updated my HTCOne. checking root...
+Douglas Boehme thanks for the tip! I'll give that a try! :)
Thanks ;)
You are the man
+Chainfire thank you.
6 un grande
+Stefania Poggi I would check support thread over at xda developers
+Chainfire we had a similar thing happen five years ago. Four months in a motel not good. Hope your neighbors get a good out come.
Let me just express my most sincere gratitude and wish you the best of lucks with your domestic problems. Don't forget your own life is more important than anything else!
No descarga los binarios da error
Update running fine here on HTC One with Sinless 4.3...
please help me, after update v1.80, it says reboot, but I don't understand hot to do reboot, from where and how ?
it still doesn't work for me on Nexus 10/Android 4.4 –
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start receiver eu.chainfire.supersu.NativeAccessReceiver: java.lang.SecurityException: Neither user 10047 nor current process has android.permission.WAKE_LOCK
Best dev ever... Bought serval apps from this guy
Why is the file only 5.17 KB in size whenever I try downloading from my phone using either ESfile explorer or chrome?
Is there a way I can delete / forget all apps? it I try to look at the details of any all, supersu crashes. If I two the forget button it crashes. I have a few afford, and one entry that shows blank.
Google Nexus 2012 Wi-Fi only, crashes on both rooted stock 4.3 and stock 4.4.
Gracias muy bueno...saludos
Hi, I bought SuperSU Pro 1.00 but I saw SuperSU free version in 1.80 version. I have only Pro version installed, if I install on top SuperSU 1.80 will it be Pro? And last question I have an HTC One GPe when OTA will be released if I activate survival mode, if it fails whats the worst that can happen? Thanks!
Yes, the Pro you bought is addon for the free version... You need the free version installed...
أهداف علي عدنان
SuperSU works fine on my Nexus 7 2013 (kitkat build KRT16S).
Unfortunately I got the kitkat update for my Nexus 4 today. I removed SuperSU with the correspondent menu item (to be sure the update would apply cleanly), and the update to kitkat KRT16S applied fine. Then I reflashed the latest twrp recovery, booted into recovery and flashed SuperSU 1.80 with
adb sideload
But I had no luck with this. No working root can be gained. I flashed several times, installed from play several times, still no luck.
Is there anything I can do to help investigating this problem?
I got it working now. I tried to do the "Uninstall Updates" trick, but I had no updates to uninstall under Apps -> SuperSU. Then I did a clean install from play store, rebootet into recovery, flashed over the clean play install and it now seems to work fine!
Clicked the update tab and when phone rebooted it froze on the Samsung logo. Can't get into recovery. Can get into Download but PC's & phone haven't worked together since beginning so that doesn't do much good. Posted on XDA....bootloop on Samsung....SG2 SGH I777/Framaroot/ SHOstock3./JB....any advise appreciated
How can I add the new Supersu to my ROM via Android Kitchen?
+Eric S Are you trying to download on your phone, using something other than the browser? The zip link above takes you to a download page, but the URL looks like it's going directly to the file. Make sure you keep viewing the link in a browser until you get to the download page, and then you can use the downloader to get the file.
Any plans +Chainfire to add support for I9500? Can't wait to root my cell
I'm registered user. How I can recovery my pin-code/ Thanx
I've fixed it
I also have problem with my Nexus 7 2012 which have KitKat KRT16S. When I install SuperSu 1.80 with TeamWin, Installed successfully but after reboot, everything is perished. I had this with su1.75 and hoped su1.80 will fix it ?
Problem is fixed just today. Requesting for PIN appeared again yesterday. But most negative that true PIN was denied. Over It u can't apply any program to wipe SU's data folder or other steps to recover/uninstall SU's PIN. Last way out was to reset the phone to default and reinstall/recovery all software from very beginning including rooting. During first turn SU on the code was requested again but my true code (failed for previous SU) was accepted and everything is OK finally. So, to be or not to be PINed?
Nexus 4.4 updata to supersu 1.80 than "su file is lost"
htc one and 1.80 = no root, i keep flashing it but to no avail ... any idea what could be going on? supersu (pro) keeps saying no su binary is installed ...
Finally! 1.80 fixed my lost binaries issue. htc one back to full root status. Thank you for pushing updates out so quickly! Running Android 4.3, Sense 5.5, Maximus HD 21.0.0 ROM, ElementalX m7-8.1 Kernal, CWMod Recovery and SuperSu Root.
Umm I need help with SuperSU binary.iflashed the 1.8.0 supersu but when I open the app it says that I Dont have binary and supersu can't install it...please help
ThankYou CF! I'm using a samsung Note 2, so this update is not for me? Play Store did notify me that there was an update to my SuperSU. Should I go ahead? Thanks!
Уже имеем давно..
+Daniel TechVideos what device are you flashing? Download the supersu zip and place the 1.80update into your root folder. Use can in recovery to install the zip file. You should be good too go.
Cwm, not can. Damn auto correct
Be sure to clear your cache first
Денег нет!!!Фигли мне ссылка!!!На Google.и так все имеется!!!
+Robert K I'm trying to flash a nexus 7 first generation which is running android 4.4 OTA update (genuine) .
What do you mean by placing it into my root folder ? Since it says that my device isn't rooted I can't download root explorer
I tried to place it into downloads and flash it from there and tried to place it out of all the folders but I can't see them in cwm
Another thing since I've already flashed it and the app is on my device and I can't I uninstall it only disable it. Will the fact that I already have the app change something? thanks for the help for the help I appreciate it :)
Has there been any reports of the radios randomly crashing/restarting every so often? I'm using an N5 with stock 4.4.
Thank you
Disculpa no se si alguien me pudiera ayudar, esque desisntale supersu y cuando lo volvi a instalar me dice que no hay binarios para su instalados y q supersu no los puede instalar...... help me
+Chainfire it is posible to root galaxy s4 gt-i9505 on android 4.3 MJ7 firmware? any help here please
+Chainfire Thank you for providing the ability to disable Knox!
+ramalho fabio It works fine on my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S4 with "MK2" Firmware.
+Kevin Panzke ok thanks e will try tonigh and see hope dont mess anything haha
I did it !!! I installed SuperSU on Android 4.4!! Now my nexus 7 2012 edition is rooted perfectly!!!(works on any device for sure) . if you wanna know how to do so , ping me , I'll tell you! ;-)
Hello +Chainfire, i did upgrade and wipe/factory to Stock ROM 4.3 (SGH-I733M/Canadian) and before Root via CFAutoRoot , Antutu 4.0 marks 28XXX points in performance, after Root i got slowdown to 23XXX points in performance i tested 3 times. Is this normal? or i did something wrong? Im using SupSU v1.80, thanks for any help with this, it will be great to get again the S4 running full speed.
+ramalho fabio I forgot to mention that I use +Chainfire's CF-AUTO-ROOT to root my S4 and then Manually Update Super SU to 1.80 as Sprint does NOT lock the Boot Loader's for their Devices. Sorry about forgetting to mention that.
+Romeo Touchh si estas en 4.3 requieres hacer CFAutoRoot o por CWM/TWM eso te genera de nuevo acceso a los binarios
In the Catalan translation somebody has entered strings in Arab and Greek. I've already proposed new translations strings in getlocalization. Could you please update to fix this? Thanks for your work.
Hi +Chainfire, I want to ask you something. I updated my Nexus 7 (2012) to first release of 4.4 KK with some bugs (bootloop). I solve it with factory image. Since then, I have no way to root it. I use Autoroot and by flashing SuperSU zip. In several versions of SuperSU. Recently, I updated it to second release of 4.4, but I have the same problem. The script (an flash) seems right, but then SuperSU app it's not installed and there're not SU permisions. How about this? Thanks for your job, It's awesome!
does not work in of 4.4.2 version system
+Ning Su Works for me on my Nexus 7 (2012) 4.4.2.
+Chris Schmich I reroot it, and it works now
thanks developer
my nexus 4 went from 4.4 to 4.4.2 yesterday and broke my cfautoroot :(
hey, would it be possible to build in to SuperSU (possibly the Pro version, i'd legit pay for this feature) to download the recovery zip if the device comes up saying it's unrooted?
+Chainfire does this works on android 4.4.2? Nexus 4
+Ivan Diaz de leon gracias vos si eso hice tuve q volver a hacer root iwal orales compa
After the last update I've lost the root permission. The programs that need root permission don't work, es. titanium, root explore ecc