Pry-Fi released (root required)
Posted on 2014-02-01, 176 comments, 990 +1's, imported from Google+/Chainfire

NOTICE: This content was originally posted to Google+, then imported here. Some formatting may be lost, links may be dead, and images may be missing.

You are being watched...

Retailers, crooks, the government, and others shady individuals are tracking your movements. Even when your Wi-Fi is turned off, your phone may be broadcasting information to whomever is in range which can be used both to track repeated visits to as well as your exact movements in an area under surveillance.

It's not a big step to couple this to personal information - a retailer for example, could track your trip to the register and correlate with your payment information. Now the tracking hardware and software vendors, the store (or chain) owner, their business partners, they can now all track where you are every time you come into range of one of their systems, and fully profile who you are, what you do, your financials, and your daily patterns! 

That is just one example, but there are many uses for tracking you. Make no mistake, this is happening in the real world today.


One solution is shutting off Wi-Fi completely (including the background network scanning, a setting most people don't know about), but you would lose benefits like automatically connecting to known Wi-Fi networks and improved location awareness for your apps. It also does nothing to help the situation for others.

Pry-Fi will prevent your device from announcing all the networks it knows to the outside world, but it will still allow background scanning and automatically connecting to Wi-Fi networks. While you are not connected to a Wi-Fi network, the MAC address will constantly be pseudo-randomized, following a pattern that still makes the trackers think you are a real person, but they will not encounter your MAC address again. This will slowly poison their tracking database with useless information.

When you do connect to a Wi-Fi network, unless you specify otherwise, your MAC address will also be randomized - the same MAC address will not be used the next time you connect to this or any other network.


Though of course the companies involved with these trackers claim they wouldn't use the data maliciously, the possibility is there, and we all know that if something can be abused, ultimately it will be. There do not appear to be any laws against these practices yet, nor is it likely Wi-Fi will be redesigned any time soon to get rid of the information leaks.

But we can make an effort to reduce the usefulness of the tracking data for the exploiters. Pry-Fi comes with a War mode, which when enabled tries to make your Android device appear like dozens of people. Just wandering around an area under Wi-Fi location surveillance for a few minutes can ruin the tracking data for the period of your stay.


This is proof-of-concept code, and how for it will go in the future depends on interest and how well it works. It has been tested on several devices and seems to work, but it is very young still. The magic the app does to achieve its purpose is ever subject to changing Android security policies and OEM customizations, so even though it works now, there really is no saying if it will still be possible in future firmwares.

Of course you should also keep in mind that tracking can be done in many ways, and these W-Fi signals are far from the only method in use.


Further details, device compatibility information, FAQ, discussion, etc is all available on here:


Shiv Manas commented on 2014-02-01 at 10:15:

Awesome - been waiting for an app like this for a long time. Amazing stuff as usual, CF. :)

Edit: Unable to upgrade to Pro - "The item you requested is not available for purchase." :(

Julio Novoa commented on 2014-02-01 at 10:19:


Myc Clark commented on 2014-02-01 at 10:20:

I'll give it a go on my N4.

Gordon Scott commented on 2014-02-01 at 10:20:

Eat this CSEC

Andre T. Specker™ commented on 2014-02-01 at 10:21:

You are being watched... Person Of Interest ^_^

Crtici hr commented on 2014-02-01 at 10:22:

thats an useful app , well done

Jorrit Jongma commented on 2014-02-01 at 10:23:

+Shiv Manas Dass +Jeff Bollinger Hah, there's always something wrong with IAPs the first release. I don't think I've ever released something where that worked correctly immediately. IAP testing is a bit broken. Wait for next update :)

Boris Rath commented on 2014-02-01 at 10:33:

force close on n4, after that wifi not working anymore! log sended!

Pieter Lamers commented on 2014-02-01 at 10:35:

Installed this first thing even though I am not too worried (yet) about the current state of affairs. +Chainfire you are awesome.

Kay Hayen commented on 2014-02-01 at 10:37:

Yes, lets all make sure only Google and NSA know where we are. That will increase their value and decrease the value of everybody else.

Lets make the monopoly that creates the rules ever more powerful than it already is, so it can take our freedom entirely away.

Anything that doesn't limit them, but others, is their progress towards world domination.

Pieter Lamers commented on 2014-02-01 at 10:39:

+Kay Hayen that's an interesting perspective.

Malthe Høj-Sunesen commented on 2014-02-01 at 10:40:

So, you haven't tested the app on N4, forgot to list it, or isn't it compatible?

Juanjo Sánchez commented on 2014-02-01 at 10:42:

I can't connect to my home WiFi while pryfi is on. Always got 'authentication problem' even if mark my WiFi to use original Mac. I'm using a Oppo N1 with Omni ROM.

Björn Fahller commented on 2014-02-01 at 10:43:

It's currently quite unstable (crashes and forgot my home wifi, HTC One GSM with Omni nightly.) However, after a little fiddling it seems to run now. Keep up the good work. Once the glitches are ironed out it'll be great!

Chainfire commented on 2014-02-01 at 10:47:

+Malthe Høj-Sunesen I don't own an N4. Somebody else posted it works on his N4, though.

+Juan José It may be your chip does not allow changing MAC address (this is actually documented in the XDA thread, you know), as is the case with the Xperia Z. If that is the case, there is nothing that can be done, really.

Dr. Mounib Al Rifai commented on 2014-02-01 at 10:49:

Will this also interfere with googles location history / android device manager/ location reporting services as they use wifi among other ways to determine your location? +Chainfire

Chainfire commented on 2014-02-01 at 10:51:

+Mounib Al Rifai No, it shouldn't.

Juanjo Sánchez commented on 2014-02-01 at 10:51:

Thanks +Chainfire. I've readed the xda post after post the comment here. There something I can do to check if this is the problem?

Chainfire commented on 2014-02-01 at 10:56:

+Juan José Turn Wi-Fi off, go into Pry-Fi -> Manage Networks, mark your network to "use original MAC", disable Pry-Fi, enable Pry-Fi, enable Wi-Fi, wait a minute, see if it works now. If so, your device cannot change MAC - it reports that it does, but it actually doesn't, and all blows up :)

Diego Cruz commented on 2014-02-01 at 10:59:

Question: does it work in a device running ART runtime?

Ricardo Luís commented on 2014-02-01 at 11:01:

Gonna try this. Thanks +Chainfire

Randy Beavers commented on 2014-02-01 at 11:03:

Errors  MIP : 67 & EHRPD : 7

Turning off enables connection. Ver 1.01

Sprint Note 3 stock rooted twrp recovery.

Kalle T. commented on 2014-02-01 at 11:03:

This is a pretty cool app. thx.

Hamish Robinson commented on 2014-02-01 at 11:05:

Latest nightly CM11 N4 not working, tried your instructions above but no luck, won't connect to wifi, seems as if it creates a new wifi list as it asks for the password to a wifi that's already saved, turn off prfyfi and it instantly reconnects to the net no problem (ssid set to use original mac)

Max Кuz commented on 2014-02-01 at 11:10:

И что это????

JoJo McYoYo commented on 2014-02-01 at 11:13:

Another step in the right direction against corporate Amerika.

Thanks for making this and keeping up the good fight

Ma Pa commented on 2014-02-01 at 11:17:

+Chainfire does the war mode use any means of waking my phone while on? I'm concerned about the battery drain.

Not that I experience any, just wanted to know if it's not a trouble.

Just by the way thank you for this app. I'm about to go shopping to a nearest center. ;-)

PS. So far everything's fine on my N4 running Omni and AK kernel with prima drivers.

Ciro de Castro commented on 2014-02-01 at 11:19:

great +Chainfire 

Thanks also for compatibility with my two devices [N700 and N7100] 

Great article and writing text. 

And even if in the near future it may not work on other future firmwares, satisfaction I've had the time for the hard work we offer solutions to the users. 

Downloading and testing :) 

Nice weekend to you 

Chainfire commented on 2014-02-01 at 11:25:

+Marcin Pająk In war mode it does keep your CPU and Wi-Fi awake, so yes, this will cost battery power (as stated in the description). That's also why it's on a timer...

Ma Pa commented on 2014-02-01 at 11:28:

+Chainfire thank you for clearing it up for me. After all war needs some sacrifices. ;-)

Nuno Pedro Vicente commented on 2014-02-01 at 11:29:

Great and important work again.

Cerico76 76 commented on 2014-02-01 at 11:29:

You're the best! Stop!

Pașca Alexandru commented on 2014-02-01 at 11:39:

So... how does it work?

The only 99.9% sure way of turning WiFi off is thru removing the adapter's kernel module from the kernel but most firmwares get the wifi module built-in the kernel image and thus making them impossible to rmmod.

Triggering the rfkill switch could just cause a false positive. Calling to android functions could just return ok without an actual switch-off.

And the wifi adapter could have a two ways of comunicating with the rest of the device. An userland bus for regular wifiing and a hidden bus that does not need the oem firmware and kernel module to operate.


Jorrick Sleijster commented on 2014-02-01 at 11:41:

let's start fucking with their trackers!

Chainfire commented on 2014-02-01 at 11:47:

+Shiv Manas Dass +Jeff Bollinger For me Play shows 1.01 as available now and the IAP shows up correctly for me as well. Can you test again ?

Chainfire commented on 2014-02-01 at 11:49:

+Pașca Alexandru If you read the description, you'd see this app is not about turning Wi-Fi off, it's about changing what it sends out. And during testing I monitor that with a dedicated sniffer ...

Ma Pa commented on 2014-02-01 at 11:51:

+Chainfire still 1.00 here in EU. Just checked it.

Dave Muller commented on 2014-02-01 at 12:43:

Looks like a great concept. Not compatible with Xperia S, but I've added it to my wish list for the next phone.

Sergey Briskin commented on 2014-02-01 at 12:53:

+Chainfire thank you for this app! I'd like to see it on f-droid's repo. Is it possible?

Julio Martin Ruiz commented on 2014-02-01 at 12:59:

No me queda muy claro que es lo que hace exactamente. Intalada en N5 y fallo con supersu. Tengo superusuario.

Muamer Seferovic commented on 2014-02-01 at 13:02:

It works! I can't enable WiFi anymore so I guess I am safe now ?

Zoltan Fürst commented on 2014-02-01 at 13:03:

After enabling it keeps crashing on my Nexus 4. Nexus 7 is fine though.

Zoltan Fürst commented on 2014-02-01 at 13:06:

Ah ok on N4 I got 1.01, on N7 its 1.02.

Zoltan Fürst commented on 2014-02-01 at 13:21:

When its enabled I cannot connect to my home network anymore. Even with other devices where Pry-Fi is not installed!

I did enable keeping original MAC for this network. So Pry-Fi locks me out from WiFi, that's a critical bug.

Btw, hidden SSID in this network. AP is an AVM 7390.

Muamer Seferovic commented on 2014-02-01 at 13:24:

+Seoras Mackay same here ... so ROM reflash solved it for you?

Muamer Seferovic commented on 2014-02-01 at 13:26:

+Seoras Mackay thanks mate ... will do it.

Chainfire commented on 2014-02-01 at 13:29:

+Sergey Briskin unlikely

+Zoltan Fürst As stated in the FAQ, hidden SSIDs are not supported.

+Seoras Mackay +Muamer Seferovic Is that a custom ROM, or rooted Samsung 4.4.2 ? I had serious trouble on S4 and Note3 until I flashed the latest TrustZone partition. Else I would see a lot of TZ related crashes in logcat.

Muamer Seferovic commented on 2014-02-01 at 13:33:

for me its indies OmegaROM with android 4.3 on s4 ...

Zoltan Fürst commented on 2014-02-01 at 13:39:

+Chainfire ok, because clients need to announce hidden SSIDs?

Muamer Seferovic commented on 2014-02-01 at 13:45:

reflashing the ROM didn't work ... so I guess I have to flash baseband again via Odin?

Mihnea Manduteanu commented on 2014-02-01 at 13:56:

+Juan José+Chainfire unfortunately, it seems it won't work on the OPPO N1. I have the save issues, can't connect to my home network

Bill Crossley commented on 2014-02-01 at 13:56:

Great idea! On my 4.4.2 note 2, I think I'm experiencing the "multiple known networks" issue. I've got 4 vlans on my home WiFi (a full access network and a guest network on each band), so it's definitely that environment. Will be keeping this updated as it matures. Suck it, spy-guys!

Pietro Asaro commented on 2014-02-01 at 13:59:

thanks chain for defend the people privacy.Amazing app(LIKE ALL YOUR APPS).

Alim Naizabek commented on 2014-02-01 at 14:02:

Can you add mac randomization per each network

Wayne Randall commented on 2014-02-01 at 14:10:

Hey +Android Police you see this yet? Get on it!

Muamer Seferovic commented on 2014-02-01 at 14:39:

well, flashed ROM, flashed modem again, and still no WiFi

Stefan W. commented on 2014-02-01 at 14:41:

worked well on a Stock but rooted LGE Nexus 5. Thx for that

Matthew B. commented on 2014-02-01 at 14:49:

+Chainfire, I've got the same issue as +Hamish Robinson. N4 w/CM11. If I turn PryFi, I can't connect to anything, even after re-adding the password. I'm currently not using Super SU, which might be the problem. I'll switch later and report if that changes anything.

Alim Naizabek commented on 2014-02-01 at 14:51:

+Matthew Birck supersu is broken on cm if flashed via recovery

Muamer Seferovic commented on 2014-02-01 at 14:59:

+Gianluca Alfarano no mate, the problem is I can't turn WiFi on on my device... not at all. Found a WiFi fix on xda, will try it now.

Jojsp G commented on 2014-02-01 at 15:01:

+Chainfire in note 3. when py-fi is activate wifi no conect.

Ma Pa commented on 2014-02-01 at 15:04:

+Muamer Seferovic flash your stock kernel, then your favorite kernel. You might have a Wi-Fi driver problem. Who knows, that might help and won't do any harm anyway.

Muamer Seferovic commented on 2014-02-01 at 15:20:

+Marcin Pająk

already did ... no sign of the WiFi anymore.

Chainfire commented on 2014-02-01 at 15:22:

+Matthew Birck Not sure. I've personally tested on CM11 (on an S3) and that worked fine, and others have also reported it works on CM11. Nexus4 users have also reported success... what is the date of your CM11 ? 

+Jojsp G Which exact firmware are you using, and how did you flash it?

David Gates commented on 2014-02-01 at 15:27:

Not compatible with Note II?

Chainfire commented on 2014-02-01 at 15:28:

+David Gates Works on my Note2 running Omni. Not tested with stock firmware though.

David Gates commented on 2014-02-01 at 15:33:

Ok. I was just wondering. Went to download it and saw the not compatible warning. Running JellyBean build 21 I think.

Bastian Figge commented on 2014-02-01 at 16:15:

Purchase works on HTC one

Shiv Manas commented on 2014-02-01 at 16:19:

+Chainfire IAP works fine now. :)

Doogie H commented on 2014-02-01 at 17:07:

It killed my WiFi on my gs4. I had to reflash my ROM to get WiFi working again.

Matthew B. commented on 2014-02-01 at 17:11:

+Chainfire, 20140131. Like I said I'll switch superuser apps later today, just in case that's it.

Kirk Shaw commented on 2014-02-01 at 17:19:

You are ruining the user experience. You'll understand some day. Knowing what you like or where you shop isn't a bad thing. It personalizes your experience.

Jojsp G commented on 2014-02-01 at 17:22:

+Chainfire version de kernel

3.4.0-2019540, banda base DMJ7. Root and JB4.3.

I Flash it with ODIN

James P. commented on 2014-02-01 at 17:22:

Working great on my Nexus 5

Jojsp G commented on 2014-02-01 at 17:46:

+Chainfire careful not pry-wi is not a game you can damage the system. I have a note 3 in March pry-wi installed but did not work the wifi did not connect any network or localized, then I uninstall pry-wi and note 3 not connected the wifi kept on or off or was dead. turn off the phone and restarted and nothing worked, i had to take note of my wife tree prywi download to backup and spend my bluetooth-wi pry my damaged note reinstall or select the network and revived again forget. I like the idea of pry-wi but even in my note 3 does not work when I test it in full functionality and buy.

Luis Perez commented on 2014-02-01 at 17:52:

LOL! Slick man...slick!

Zoltan Fürst commented on 2014-02-01 at 18:00:

+Chainfire Enabled visible SSID, now working on both N7 and N4 (installed 1.02). On N4, I needed to re-add the network manually.

Dedey Tea commented on 2014-02-01 at 18:02:


Lee Smith commented on 2014-02-01 at 18:19:

Thanks bro

Daud Irfan commented on 2014-02-01 at 18:19:

Much neede man

Benjamin W. commented on 2014-02-01 at 18:27:

Great idea! But it don't work for me on my n4. Can't connect to any wifi when i turn it on:-(

Da Vader commented on 2014-02-01 at 18:45:

+Chainfire Is this or something similar planned to be integrated into omni?

Since you are a contributer and having this natively would be better that an app, isn't it? :D

Krom Geo commented on 2014-02-01 at 19:17:

on my Galaxy S3 i9300, your application stays at the detecting root vendor notice. Does not go beyond that. Even restarted the phone. Put off Wifi too. Any takes. 

Christian Hollbjär commented on 2014-02-01 at 19:32:

This is war!

Burak commented on 2014-02-01 at 19:40:

Awesome Idea Chain! Nice.

Matthew B. commented on 2014-02-01 at 19:53:

+Chainfire - CM privacy guard seems to be the problem. I turned it off and now everything works. I think.

Va no commented on 2014-02-01 at 19:55:

So badically with this app you have no wifi whatsoever? My wifi toggle on N3 is greyed out after activating this app

Bladehawk commented on 2014-02-01 at 20:18:

On my Note 3 stock 4.3 it just disables wifi. No hard crash thank goodness. Firmware N900TUVUBMI7 T-Mobile version.

Robin Jacobs commented on 2014-02-01 at 21:16:

Seem to work fine on Note3 with rooted stock kitkat. As usual I bought the pro version to show my appreciation.

羽兒翩翩飛 commented on 2014-02-01 at 21:19:

請問這是 ?

Riley commented on 2014-02-01 at 21:49:

Awesome! If I use "go to war" at 15min intervals, will it waste battery?

jesenko plecic commented on 2014-02-01 at 22:30:

depends of frequency of your 15 mins I suppose

Leio Rush commented on 2014-02-01 at 22:35:

Chainfire...your the man.... Always love your works...I always install your app as long as supported my device.....and sometimes I really don't know what's the used...hehehe...but I'm confident using your apps because its you...your the man!

Cleveland Stamps commented on 2014-02-01 at 23:12:

If one is using or protected by Tor and other deep stuff. Shouldn't that also protect your Mac address IMEI/ESN. If not, using pry- fi could fill that gap. So if your using Tor network does one still need pry fi or is it not needed or overkill?

Matt Stew commented on 2014-02-02 at 01:32:


Kev K commented on 2014-02-02 at 01:48:

Think I'll give it a try. Awesome work by an awesome dev. Thanks chainfire!

Brent Foster commented on 2014-02-02 at 03:24:

Good looking ChainFire! Nothing but Respect for all of your countless hours you put in for our great community!

Thank you.

Bladehawk commented on 2014-02-02 at 04:26:

Just grabbed the update and disabled mac randomization. Still not working for me. ?

Just Sturgis commented on 2014-02-02 at 05:55:

Another great contribution from +Chainfire!

Steve Edmund commented on 2014-02-02 at 06:30:

"not compatible with your device" in play. Rooted Note 2, Verizon

Sander Goudswaard commented on 2014-02-02 at 07:52:

Would be great if it can do this with Bluetooth tracking as well.

Andrea Malchiodi commented on 2014-02-02 at 08:52:

+Chainfire I think I will get the same answer you gave to +Mounib Al Rifai, but I prefer to be sure: since I'm playing Ingress, I'd like to know if I will have any issue with the game using your app... Thanks in advance for your help and great work!!!

xiuqu yin commented on 2014-02-02 at 09:23:


Kim Randal commented on 2014-02-02 at 09:34:

Thanks man, already donated!

Marco Götze commented on 2014-02-02 at 10:16:

Well interesting Concept but I would insert a warning for all those non technical educated persons out there who just blindly try it. Changing the MAC Address every X Time randomly can have also a heavy impact on your infastructure and can cause you some big trouble with the company Network administrator team if you working in a major company. Especially BYOD enviroments are rely on a MAC static MAC Address.

I tried it yesterday and actually it's not working well currently. (Find5) It displays a MAC Change in the app but tracing the Wifi packages my device is still sending his original arp headers. Even in War mode a arp log just showed 1 change in 5 minutes. But as you said, just a proof of concept.

Chainfire commented on 2014-02-02 at 11:29:

+Marco Götze Oppo's not working well has already been documented in the XDA thread (just as Sony's). I doesn't seem like that will change with app updates. It's unfortunate that there isn't really a way to detect this from the device itself though.

Chainfire commented on 2014-02-02 at 11:30:
Paul Jacobs commented on 2014-02-02 at 13:47:

When you connect to some public Wi-Fi it will get your location from your phone's GPS before connecting

AK commented on 2014-02-02 at 14:18:

I guess this is only for android

Manfred Schwegler commented on 2014-02-02 at 15:26:

I have EchoeRom V14.1 and Pry-Fi 1.2 installed but Wifi connection can not established.

Ron Jenkins commented on 2014-02-02 at 15:36:

Thank you for your awesome work +Chainfire. Great idea & great app..

Marcus S commented on 2014-02-02 at 16:28:

Nice, +Chainfire!  But why not randomized the MAC even for networks you do connect to?  For example, recently it has been revealed that airports track WiFi connections and sell it to governments.  So why not allow users to have randomized MAC addresses on WiFi connections as well, except for a "white list" (such as home networks that may have permissions based on MAC addresses).

Hieu Le commented on 2014-02-02 at 18:23:

Nice app thank you

Tommy Dao commented on 2014-02-02 at 19:59:

I've got an error whereas Wifi Setting being disable and greyed-out. Pressing menu still can brought up Advance setting in Wifi but On/Off function totally greyed-out. The status stays disable for minutes until I disable Pry-Fi and reboot the phone. Wifi Setting function came back immediately. Running Stock Rooted Nexus4 with minimal mods - if not at all. Any recommend?

Tommy Dao commented on 2014-02-02 at 20:08:

Actually, following +Chainfire directives, it's works. Again, N4/StockKitKat/Rooted/LTE Hibrid/Dalvik runtime

Quote "Turn Wi-Fi off, go into Pry-Fi -> Manage Networks, mark your network to "use original MAC", disable Pry-Fi, enable Pry-Fi, enable Wi-Fi, wait a minute, see if it works now."

Chainfire commented on 2014-02-02 at 20:39:

I have attached v1.21-beta-test to the first post of the XDA thread that may also work for 4.0 and 4.1 Android firmwares. Let me know.

Tommy Dao commented on 2014-02-02 at 21:00:

Still a little bug although it doesn't effect functional. 

A. Installed and activate service while Wifi is ON (Pry-Fi has been ON on pre-updated.) Installing and activating the app while Wi-Fi is ON has been causing Wifi Setting disable on previous version (mentioned on previous post). I wanna tried again with 1.21b hence installing the app while Wifi is ON.

Bug: Turn-On and Off Wifi will witnessed a double toggling by Android, both when turning On and Off. The toggle button on Top-right will double-toggling

Francisco Vázquez Ravell commented on 2014-02-02 at 22:47:

Hi +Chainfire when i try to download it, play store says the app doesnt compatible with your device. My android is 4.1.2 on a motorola d3

Mark One commented on 2014-02-03 at 00:53:

+Francisco Vazquez Ravell got root? 

Francisco Vázquez Ravell commented on 2014-02-03 at 02:17:

+Mark Hardy yes. In fact i rooted it with Frama root

Flight Corn commented on 2014-02-03 at 06:28:

Good App, Thanks.

Chainfire commented on 2014-02-03 at 10:34:

+Guy Incocnito It's your own choice to give an app root access or not. If you don't want to do that, it wont work. I fail to see how any of that is my problem.

Roberto Spinosa commented on 2014-02-03 at 11:45:

Using... Let's see ;-)

Abdul Rahim commented on 2014-02-03 at 16:38:

No work at my device acer iconia A 501 tablet

Luke Stump commented on 2014-02-03 at 19:28:

+Chainfire for some reason when Pry-Fi is enabled it won't allow me to connect to Wi-Fi. When I disable it I connect right away. Any suggestions?

Max Meister commented on 2014-02-03 at 20:13:

Works great with htc One and 4.4.2 and on my nexus 7 Lte too. Thanks

Paul Ivanov commented on 2014-02-04 at 00:19:

+Chainfire I would love if you made a widget for this with a quick toggle to turn on and off... A pain and simple one :) great app and awesome work!

Matt Wedgwood commented on 2014-02-04 at 01:21:

+Chainfire Please root the Chromecast now that the SDK has been released.

Todd Holleran commented on 2014-02-04 at 04:44:
Roman commented on 2014-02-04 at 10:43:

+Chainfire I wish you were the  Google Android Team leader and Product manager :)

Chainfire commented on 2014-02-04 at 11:15:

Haha +Roman Kasal so do I. I could use a few millions

Gianluca Monopoli commented on 2014-02-04 at 11:28:

Hi Chain!

I can't download Pry-Fi in my Galaxy Note 2 with 4.2.1, rooted.

Isn't it compatible?

Avamander / commented on 2014-02-04 at 20:52:

4.1.2 LG L9 II not compactible?

Jeff Scott commented on 2014-02-05 at 03:18:

It doesn't seem to like pre-existing saved networks. I tried the method that +Chainfire mentioned earlier to correctly enable the app, however i couldn't connect to my saved wifi networks. I had to forget the networks from pryfi as well as the stock wifi and then re-enable the software in the correct order and then connect anew. S3/D2att w cm10.2 & 10.2.1.

zouhaier morjane commented on 2014-02-05 at 12:17:

Great .........Master, useful app

lu zong commented on 2014-02-05 at 12:33:


Daniel B. commented on 2014-02-05 at 13:39:

Once again, another great job you did here! Thanks alot and I hope you keep up the work.

bel luz commented on 2014-02-05 at 20:23:

Note 10.1 N8000 not compatible

Vandjoel Asnuri commented on 2014-02-06 at 07:46:


Patrick B commented on 2014-02-06 at 13:58:

will there be an update for manually add the Mac Adress ?

Chainfire commented on 2014-02-06 at 14:57:

There will be a complete overhaul very soon, in fact.

Chris Whittleston commented on 2014-02-06 at 15:21:

+Chainfire - mentioned this in the the XDA post but you could give the option to use only 'real' MAC addresses rather than random ones by lifting the patterns used from the macchanger source here:

The obvious benefit of doing this is that it makes it impossible for companies to filter their monitoring for invalid data which doesn't correspond to a real manufacturer. The address patterns can be found in:


Thanks again for working on this app :)

Patrick B commented on 2014-02-06 at 16:11:

+Chainfire thanks , waiting for it !!

great work

Robert Nash commented on 2014-02-06 at 18:17:

Help have no acces

Patrick B commented on 2014-02-09 at 11:16:

Hi Chainfire, don,t want to push, but any idea when the new version will come ?

greets, kriszty

Chainfire commented on 2014-02-09 at 11:47:

It's #1 on my priority list right now, but I've overstrained myself, wrists and arms hurting, so no coding for me right now.

Patrick B commented on 2014-02-09 at 12:02:

no problem, take it easy

greets and love from holland


Obelisk _Evolution commented on 2014-02-11 at 16:06:

Good soft but i can't download it :(, why don't upload to dropbox

Pascal Fiedler commented on 2014-03-06 at 10:46:

Really good App :)

Enrique Morales commented on 2014-04-04 at 04:14:

I found the app very useful, however I found a bug: I set up my network as WPA2 PSK and the app keeps forgetting the password, so every time I return home I need to manually write the password again.

Prior to that the network was set as WEP and it worked fine.

Is this a know issue? 

Kyhwana Pardus commented on 2014-06-08 at 21:59:

Will this defeat the wifi-pineapple's Karma mode? ie, does this app stop your phone from sending out SSID Probe requests?

Raffel Ahmat commented on 2014-08-24 at 08:35:

Bagaimna cara root tnpa pc

Paul Lukitsch commented on 2014-10-15 at 05:34:

I think this app is great! I should have expected something awesome like this from the creator of SuperSU.

Anyway, I just wanted to mention to everyone some suggestions (although this tip may already be in this very long thread).... if you run Pry-Fi and then find you cannot connect to your home wireless network, or any other Wi-Fi network that you previously joined, , follow the steps below:

  1. Go into the settings=> Wi-Fi=>forget all previous networks.

  2. Next, reboot into recovery.

  3. While in recovery mode, do the following: (i) wipe cache; (ii) wipe Dalvik cache, and; (iii) fix permissions (located under the Advanced menu in TWRP).

  4. Reboot your phone...It will take a few minutes, saying it is "updating" or "optimizing". Then go to Wi-Fi, and select the desired AP, and enter the authentication key.

Following the above steps should stop any connection problems you might have had, and also, you should you have any problems with your phone "forgetting" saved wpa keys either. 

Roger Tanaka commented on 2015-08-27 at 15:45:

Replying back to jacoy kiter your the lame

Joe James commented on 2015-08-30 at 03:00:

Love this app and others from CF. But I do have a recurring issue with pry Fi on my g870a. After a few days of use it breaks my phone's WiFi, I am forced to Odin it every time this happens and having to redo everything on my phone is a huge chore, especially having to do it every few days. Is there anyway to keep it from breaking my WiFi? Thanks and keep up the truly amazing work!

Theekshana Ambepitiya commented on 2015-12-11 at 08:36:

I'm betting random reboots as well and my wifi is broken I am on a I9505 and I am running CM12. I need help this is my daily driver and it is nearly unusable because of this app. Please help!!! +Chainfire 

Pascal Fiedler commented on 2015-12-11 at 08:42:

+Theekshana Ambepitiya​ I had a problem with Samsungs S4 I9505 as well. Random reboots and SIM undetectable. Since I have a new phone and a Family member got the s4 there are no reports about it. Strange.

Theekshana Ambepitiya commented on 2015-12-11 at 08:44:

I am currently feeling like a complete idiot for not researching this app before using it and idk what to do.

Pascal Fiedler commented on 2015-12-11 at 08:47:

It isn't the Apps fault. It probably is the phone itself. Just google for: Warranty bit 0x1

and for SIM not detected problem

Theekshana Ambepitiya commented on 2015-12-11 at 08:58:

Other users have this same issue after installing this app and I only got it after installing this app a few days ago.

Theekshana Ambepitiya commented on 2015-12-11 at 09:00:

and PS: Warranty bit 0x1 shows up when the Knox Warranty has been triggered and has nothing to do with this error.

Pascal Fiedler commented on 2015-12-11 at 09:00:

Well, you could try uninstalling the App~

That's the only Thing. Since I have no Root Access on my Honor 6 Plus, I can't tell u that.

Pascal Fiedler commented on 2015-12-11 at 09:01:

+Theekshana Ambepitiya Knox 0x1 sucks a lot. I know it comes from rooting and has nothing to do with the App. It's just an Info~

Theekshana Ambepitiya commented on 2015-12-11 at 09:11:

I've uninstalled it doesn't look but I don't think it wants to fix it self it's still happening I think the app modifies a config file or something and I might have revert it back manually.

Theekshana Ambepitiya commented on 2015-12-11 at 09:25:

My wifi works but it keeps turning it off automaticly.

Pascal Fiedler commented on 2015-12-11 at 09:27:

Probably go to the very Root Directory and search for wifi config file. It may be misconfigured

Theekshana Ambepitiya commented on 2015-12-11 at 09:51:

I'm really not sure what to look for... :/

Филип commented on 2016-02-09 at 08:39:

+Seoras Mackay I have the same problem :( Can you tell me how you did this pleasee :(

Филип commented on 2016-02-09 at 08:47:

My Wi-Fi got shut down completely. Can somebody pleaseee help me how can i turn it back on?? :( :( 

Martin Mullooly commented on 2016-04-01 at 20:03:

Hello I've installed pry-fi and now my wifi won't turn on as normal. Even after uninstalling pry-fi. What can I do to fix it please?

Martin Mullooly commented on 2016-04-01 at 20:04:

When I try to turn on the wifi it lights up dim and then goes back off. Help

Pascal Fiedler commented on 2016-04-01 at 20:13:

Factory reset?

Филип commented on 2016-04-02 at 10:48:

I tried doing that but my WiFi still isn't working :(

Theekshana Ambepitiya commented on 2016-04-03 at 04:16:

Hey guys, if you have a Samsung there is a fix. Backup all your files first. Once you have backed everything up download your firmware for your phone from Put your phone in download mode and then flash the firmware using odin.

Johnny Jones commented on 2016-05-17 at 14:02:

my pry-fi app has not been working for two weeks now whats going on

Peter Lindamood commented on 2018-01-08 at 17:18:
This post is over a month old, commenting has been disabled.