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So there were some issues with the release from a few days ago, this update might fix that - as well as some other issues.
As always, Play will take a few hours to update to v2.50 . XDA thread is here:
Fixed a number of (un)mounting issues
Fixed one possible cause of /sdcard disappearance
Anticipate and work-around '4.5' issues
Suggest FS support add-on download
Good thing that you're already making preparations for 4.5 ?
+Chainfire is actively advising the Android community on how current Superuser "breaks". Not that I expect him to change his apps this soon, but if anyone is going to do it right, it's him...
+Chainfire how about Moto X or specially for Moto G?
What's with the 2 new permissions?
I too am curious...why the need for full network access? The prevent from sleeping I can see some reason for, but why the network access?
+Alvin Chong +Douglas K Both are used to automate the download process of the filesystem support binaries (only).
Thanks mate. You're less efforts will not go unrewarded!
Thanks for the's appreciated.
+Chainfire how can i reach you ?
StickMount works perfectly on my Rooted Moto G! :)
+Josh McAllister nice to read "Rooted Moto G!" :)
+Saroj Panda T-Mobile 3G DESTROY's Sprint 4G LTE! :)
محدىيتكلم عربي
Works great.. Pls make the status bar icon white to match kitkat.. :)
Does Stickmount change debbuggerd in v2.50 too and produce problems with ota-updates ?
+Walter Flum Not if you're running the latest SuperSU.
Thank for your Information. SuperSU V 1.93 is running.