DSLR Controller on The Digital Picture
Posted on 2014-02-12, 7 comments, 58 +1's, imported from Google+/Chainfire

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Bit spammy, but when a site I personally frequent drops a review, that excites me! :)

DSLR Controller + TP-LINK Portable WiFi Router = Way Too Much Fun to Put in a Title

Chainfire commented on 2014-02-12 at 15:35:

The XTi works somewhat, but I wouldn't recommend it, to be honest.

Douglas Boehme commented on 2014-02-12 at 15:38:

I used DSLR controller with my 5dmk3 for a long photo shoot in December and it worked like a champ.  At this point, I take it for granted that it's there and has become an integral part of my photography workflow.

Johary King commented on 2014-02-12 at 16:31:

Bought it loved it when I tested it and haven't used it since but only because I'm waiting for a decent tripod. I have a canon 400 (xti) and 600 and it works great with both. For programmed long exposure I would recommend a small pouch or a holder... but there is so much to say about it I would need a full page for that!!

Sean Stone commented on 2014-02-12 at 16:52:

I haven't used this app of yours, but I have used others. That said, if I felt a developer promoting his own apps on his personal account was spammy, one, I'd be wrong, but more importantly, two, I wouldn't be following you. Keep up the good work and keep the "spam" coming. ?

D. commented on 2014-02-13 at 00:57:

I find the server mode of DSLR Controller and a spare android with USB-OTG support works very well. Recently use that setup to convict a stray cat of B+E on my shed. 

André Mirrado commented on 2014-02-17 at 01:15:

This works with Nikon? If not, do you think about developing for the Nikon DSLR? Thank you!

Barry Ekstrand commented on 2014-02-18 at 17:05:

+Chainfire, I have a first-version Kindle Fire that I can root and update - can you point me to a ROM / kernel that will allow the DSLR Controller app to work?  I understand USB host OTG is my great need, but I can't figure out which CM version will cover me for sure.  My camera is a 5D Mark III so I should be in good shape there.  Thanks!

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