CF-Auto-Root updates
Posted on 2014-03-21, 26 comments, 116 +1's, imported from Google+/Chainfire

NOTICE: This content was originally posted to Google+, then imported here. Some formatting may be lost, links may be dead, and images may be missing.

Added the missing T325 Tab Pro 8.4 LTE model to the list of roots for the new tabs.

Additionally, the following CF-Auto-Root's have been updated to the latest firmware bases, which may fix issues some have been seeing on 4.4.2 release from the past weeks while I was on vacation:

Galaxy S4:

  • I337M --> NC1

  • L720 --> NAE

  • M919 --> NB4

  • R970 --> NAE

Galaxy Note3:

  • N900 --> NC1

  • N9005 --> NB4

  • N900R4 --> NAB

  • N900S --> NBD

  • N900T --> NB4

  • N900W8 --> NB7


Justin Wilkinson commented on 2014-03-21 at 14:22:

My smartphone. Is a virgen mobile lte

Duc Nguyen commented on 2014-03-21 at 14:22:


Harald Villemoes commented on 2014-03-21 at 14:23:

Any chance for GT-N7102 Note II ?

Husain Tambawala commented on 2014-03-21 at 14:23:

Thanks..! You seriously helped with my s4 now get ready for s5..!!

Blair Ginley commented on 2014-03-21 at 14:33:

I used the older one on my NB4 SGH-M919 with zero issues. Super fast and easy. Thanks

Nathan Schmidt commented on 2014-03-21 at 14:45:

Hey +Chainfire, I rooted my N900T using the international version of CF-Auto-Root, how can I unroot my device so I can root it with the appropriate version? Is there a stock firmware release for Note 3s that have the 4.4 Boot loader?

Lucien L commented on 2014-03-21 at 14:47:

Welcome back from your vacation!

Mario McIntosh commented on 2014-03-21 at 15:34:

Its funny how the Verizon Note 3 is never in the news.. How much skill does it take to unlock the boot loader on this thing....

Lucien L commented on 2014-03-21 at 15:40:

+Chainfire thank you so much for updating the basebands. (radios)

I was telling myself not to root (for new S5) because I won't be able to get new basebands from Samsung, when there's a new OS upgrade

Until this post that your stock recovery also includes newest "firmware bases" and I recall NC1 for i337m is a radio for Android 4.4.2. I got so happy and I will get you that beer soon =]

Erik Huizinga commented on 2014-03-21 at 15:47:

+Chainfire goed bezig!

elmo elmo commented on 2014-03-21 at 22:10:

How can I upgrade my HTC one htl22 to d recent grade

Min Zhang commented on 2014-03-22 at 01:48:

Does this work on Mexico TELCEL's S4? thanks

Lucien L commented on 2014-03-22 at 04:09:

+Kenneth Price Update your PC's Samsung drivers (using kies if not download separate .exe for it)

  • make sure u have newest Odin 3.09 or above. that's all i can suggest
Michael Bender commented on 2014-03-23 at 19:55:

Any Chance for Note 3 Neo ?

Alejandro Nuñez commented on 2014-03-25 at 06:22:

Its not working on my - M919 --> NB4. the installation goes through all the way but nothing, no root. any help?

Michael Bender commented on 2014-03-27 at 06:52:

Hello. Is there a root option for the Note 3 Neo LTE?

Eddie G commented on 2014-03-29 at 14:21:

Thanks man, with this you save my day, that's why I buy your apps, even if for now I don't need them, just to support your work. Your hard work is really appreciated. Keep on ...Congratulations.

Michael Bender commented on 2014-03-30 at 03:49:

Thanks for the cf ?

Damien Reeves commented on 2014-03-30 at 16:10:

Thanks I got my new s4 yesterday as soon as I got it up to kitkat I rooted thanks again for freeing my phone

Ade Lecatompessy commented on 2014-03-31 at 03:20:

+Chainfire i still can not root my N900 NC1

kenny grathwohl commented on 2014-04-04 at 13:03:

Any chance for the at&t note 3 to rooted sm-n900a.

عثمان النجران commented on 2014-04-06 at 20:31:


Sam Bryan commented on 2014-04-20 at 17:08:

+Koray Biçer what did you use to delete the bloke ware

Shaftamle commented on 2014-05-03 at 00:04:

+Chainfire why is the note 3 able to root without tripping the Knox counter but other devices can't?

Ross P commented on 2014-05-27 at 17:28:

Your post mentions the I337M.  Does that mean it works with the I337?

LA LA commented on 2017-03-19 at 00:18:

Yo.... I've fuckin downloaded CF auto root from you. What I got is a fuckin virus. Are you for real, or just another fucktard ?

Galaxy Grand Prime


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