StickMount update to v3.10
Posted on 2014-07-01, 37 comments, 350 +1's, imported from Google+/Chainfire

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I've just uploaded v3.10 of StickMount to the Play store, bringing compatibility with the Android "L" Preview. That's it, really.

Should be available from Play within the next couple of hours.

Crystallynn. Nicodemus commented on 2014-07-01 at 15:26:

Hi this is crystalnicodemus

Crystallynn. Nicodemus commented on 2014-07-01 at 15:27:

Ok wthat

David Nabinger commented on 2014-07-01 at 15:33:

Nice all I have been waiting for really.

Crystallynn. Nicodemus commented on 2014-07-01 at 15:35:

Cool so how are you.

Bobby McCants commented on 2014-07-01 at 15:41:


Johnny Shindledecker commented on 2014-07-01 at 16:24:

I've tried this many times. The problem I have is that when I plug in a otg cable or USB flash drive I don't get a notification to unmount it. Every time I unplug it I get a error I removed it unexpectedly. Does this app add what's missing from custom ROMs to remove flash drives?

charles bright commented on 2014-07-01 at 16:37:

Thanks chainfire keep up the good work makes me wanna install l on my flo more now that su and stickmount are update for it :)

Denis Ćorić commented on 2014-07-01 at 18:54:

Great work! Thank you! Any plans on distributing app via other marketplace's like amazon? I'm unable to buy pro version from my country (option not available in Google play store)

Chainfire commented on 2014-07-01 at 19:17:

Amazon is not available for me yet ...

Denis Ćorić commented on 2014-07-01 at 20:21:

In that case I hope that google will enable app purchase in my country in the foreseeable future. Thank you again for the great work.

Dan Ramos commented on 2014-07-01 at 23:43:

Woot! I still get a "removed unexpectedly" error after tapping unmount then removing the USB drive (both my Nexus 7 with rooted stock Android 4.4.4 and my Nexus 10 on CyanogenMod 11). Just wanted to be sure you're aware. Works great despite the error but it does worry me every time I see it that one of these days, it'll become corrupted.

Rico Gere commented on 2014-07-02 at 09:31:

Does it work on Galaxy S5?

Jesse Holroyd commented on 2014-07-02 at 22:36:

Love it on my LG G2!

HENRY ENIEDIABASI BRAIN commented on 2014-07-04 at 17:21:

Can I mount my external hard disk with dis

Dan Ramos commented on 2014-07-05 at 05:39:

Yes, definitely probably.

Андрей Погибелев commented on 2014-07-05 at 09:11:

Сдесь что,одни американцы что ли? Ну и дела! Я русский и по английски не шпрэхаю.

Александр commented on 2014-07-06 at 05:33:

Не. Русские тоже есть. Но мы по аглицки не шпрехаем и только читаем...

Ronald Dandan commented on 2014-07-06 at 10:46:

Is this working with flare hd??

SUBINI DVR commented on 2014-07-07 at 19:50:

При подключении к планшету Андроид просто не определяет подключеную флэшку. Видит только SD карту и все.

John Kavanaugh commented on 2014-07-31 at 07:24:

I'v,e got the store's version of supersu but my rooted phone keep saying it needs an update for superuser and I've got the newest version and it still keeps saying I need an update for the supersu if you got the apk file please Gmail me at if you get any ideas on how to get the new apk then the one in the Android Market I have the newest version I sure would like to know how and when I'm going to get the newest APK;it would be nice to find out thanks.

Андрей Погибелев commented on 2014-07-31 at 08:44:

Джон,залезь на форум XDA,и качайУдачи.

abushoush khatir commented on 2014-08-02 at 06:32:

الحاج محمد دفع الله

Jeffrey Hill commented on 2014-08-03 at 01:22:
John Kavanaugh commented on 2014-08-07 at 16:34:

+Андрей Погибелев this is John got the update for superuser ,bootstraps installed got my first backup and recovery installed into my first ROM slot just got to choose from the two apks of the roms I've chosen, hyperdrive and Biggins ROM everything's running stable, now all i gotta do is flash my first wrong and the stickmount Pro and its cousins are working great altogether with busybox and titanium backup and thanks to towel root I'm on my way to becoming a route junkie Thanks any suggestions on other applications that would be and it says it did I don't have yet if you can name a few please do, and in a short time I will donate I've been real busy thanks again.

John Kavanaugh commented on 2014-08-07 at 16:38:

No pun intended with that stupid spelling, I meant to say I'm on my way to becoming a root junkie I can't get enough so any suggestion on any roms for the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 you might know or more root applications, you might suggest Thanks flag out

Jeffrey Hill commented on 2014-08-13 at 04:54:

I need the leaded version."anti-knox compound"

Anthony M commented on 2014-09-22 at 02:09:

+Chainfire it was working flawlessly on my N5, but now when I plug in OTG, it starts searching for mass storage like its about to do its thing, but it just stops. Tested the OTG on other devices, uninstalled and reinstalled, cleared cache and dalvik, uninstalled antivirus,...etc..any other ideas? This app is essential to me since I have the 16GB N5. Any help is much appreciated!

Anupam Saha commented on 2014-09-28 at 06:07:

This 500 firepaper application automatically closes down every time I try to set it as my home screen wallpaper in my Moto G. I have uninstalled and re-installed and checked it may times but the same problem. Please cancel my order and refund me back. My Google order id is 12999763169054705758.1324680078039240

Soufiane Raiss commented on 2014-09-29 at 09:46:


التضحيه وساام commented on 2014-10-04 at 19:49:


Andy Regenscheid commented on 2014-10-20 at 17:16:

Is Stickmount still patching debuggerd?  Is that still going to work in devices that implement verified boot using dm-verity?  Are we going to be able to unroot and take block-based OTA updates?

Chainfire commented on 2014-10-20 at 21:40:

+Andy Regenscheid top of my head, it only does that on some specific Android versions, and only if you're not running a recent SuperSU. I'm curious though - what device do you know that implements dm-verity?

Andy Regenscheid commented on 2014-10-20 at 21:55:

+Chainfire  Thanks, that's helpful.  I don't know of any devices that implement dm-verity now, although I get the impression that we'll start to see some with Google's current security push.  In particular, I'm wondering if we'll see it implemented in the Nexus 9/6 and other new Android 5.0 devices.  If I understand dm-verity correctly, any modification to /system will creates problems, even if you later copy back the original files.   If devices start implementing dm-verity, will we need to run custom kernels to disable it in order to get things like this to work?  If I understood one of your more recent posts, is your expectation that we'll be running custom kernels most of the time just to keep root?

renato gaspari commented on 2014-10-22 at 23:19:

tenho um sansung galaxy note 2 gt-n 7100  e não consigo fazer root com

kingo root ele trava waiting for device...

John Kavanaugh commented on 2014-10-23 at 00:13:

Well Chainfire I'm just not going to take the update ,and I'm going to let it go by , since I paid cash for my phones grandfathered unlimited data and since I pay for wireless hotspot I can use the stock rom since I rooted with towelroot, safestrap as my recovery system, using next launcher along with the stock and xposed framework modules I Will just design my own rom,Aptoide, APPS ; I've gotten all my updates for supersu and safestrap gravity box KK and so on, so I'm waiting on a little bit of advice and some options on what others are doing or maybe you Chainfire have some advice and options I'll take all the advise I can get, thanks Chainfire flag out , I'm waiting for a decent copy of lollipop 2 come out with no bloatware and all the goodies I can get to modify the phone flagout through your link on Google+ and the videos from others I've done it all without a computer , flag out!! keep shining in your "talent"

Linda Rylands commented on 2014-10-23 at 22:26:

Works great on my Samsung s3, nexus tablet, galaxy s tablet. Great app n Love it.

Fahad Khan commented on 2015-03-29 at 07:08:

It doesn't works on every android device.

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