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I just uploaded the new version to Play, should start rolling out in a few others. You can also grab the APK from the XDA thread here:
It now works on M. Or at least it does on my Nexus 5 :)
Additionally, I gave the clear all button a FAB look.
"works on my box" lol
great work!!!
Oh, hell yeah! Missed this since M1. Thank you.
You're right. That remove all button is killing it!
Excelente trabajo hermano
Thank you sir
THX bro!
I hope the issues I was experiencing have been addressed too! (see this post: )
Nice new clear all button! Is it my ROM (Cyanogen OS 12.0) or launcher (Apex) that causes me to have two clear all buttons? I have the old thrash bin in the top right corner and the new button in the bottom right... Maybe a setting to set the corner (I'd like bottom left on my OnePlus One) would be a nice addition. Also: the clear all button shouldn't be there when there are no recents.
+Erik Huizinga I have no idea about that. If it was fixed, it wasn't on purpose.
+David Caparaz Do you know how to read?
Just wanted to publicly thank you for this app and your contribution to our community +Chainfire
Clear all button no longer shows up since the last ipad... does FAB mean invisible? ;-)
Ipad= update
After reboot it appears, but FAB sometimes stays on-screen floating on my homebrew after closing recents. Only seems to happen the first couple times I open recents following a reboot.
Not working on my sprout android 6.0
Not compatible with Samsung galaxy light :( but thank you devs for all the joy you bring..even though if it comes down to this knowing that Chain Fire is Devs are always without a doubt on top of your game! All the time! :)
Does not work on my N5 running MRA58N
Hi +Chainfire. Since the Busybox update for systemless root, Recently doesn't show the recent clear all button any more.
I need root note 4 sm-n910v version Android 5.0.1
Can you help me please
My mobile not supporting otg
Any body ther?