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Structural changes, read all about it and download it at XDA. Link in the box below.
Hey +Chainfire do you still support the cf lumen app after android N's night mode?
Please tell me you'll be adding a GUI. ;)
Im try tô play pokemon GO. But its keep tell me that my device is not compatible. What i need to Chuck tô run it?
Dear chainfire team Flashfire have limited access for sony xperia s55t China mobile phone. Please improve it for sony s55t. Mobile it granted by supersuper but when I run it for flash for zip file or backup and restore it shows. A long loading after some seconds it show black screen and phone on standby.
+Bruno Horvat did you follow the instructions on his original post on xda to blacklist the app?
Now everthing works very well
+Bruno Horvat did you manage get pokemon go working OK?
Yes. Finally... Playing pogo with active root it better than magistrado solution. You need to put uid from game on blacklist to open it - 10238.
Yeah I saw that bit before. I'm yet to try it yet due to work so no time. I wanna see if I will need to keep rebooting my phone for changes in the xposed modules like I do with magisk's method.
I found a xposed systemless that works. So i keep everthing works while playing.
Awesome. I know of the systemless xposed as I have it with magisk atm but as I like to change my apps dpi individually I have to reboot for it to be applied which is a pain if I wanna check after changing to see if I'm happy with it. I shall be looking into doing this soon.
Cheers for the feedback Bruno. Really appreciate it :)
+Bruno Horvat Sorry bug you again buddy. what version of xposed did you install and how did you get that and pogo to work? I've tried to locate the UID on mine just in case and add the one you mentioned however both attempts through a terminal are coming up with 'not found' any ideas?
Don't worry about ask me something.I'm here for help! Please check-in my xda thread. It's for Sony z3+ dual but you should be able to the supersu, suhide and xposed.
Thanks buddy. I really appreciate the help.
I did try adding the uid for pokemon go through a terminal however it keeps saying 'not found'. Any idea?
Chainfire, every time i try to add a UID to the list, I get the following error: /su/suhide/add: not found
Same error for list too
Try to use 10238 id.
been trying to get this to work on my Asus Ze551ml but having no luck.... is it possible and if you can i get some direction... thanks
+Bruno Horvat I managed to get it working finally. I was missing off the sh.
Shame I can't get xposed working though. I'm considering trying dual boot next but I'm not sure if systemless root will work on the secondary os. Something I'm gonna have to take a look into me thinks.
Good Luck bro. Post heresia if you archive it!
+Bruno Horvat will do buddy
Looking for a way to contact you..
+Bruno Horvat I did it. I dunno how but I did it. I dual booted my phone so it now has one rom for usual stuff Inc Xposed and one that will run pogo.
I can't update binary in my Xperia M4 aqua in SuperSu
I am having trouble finding my contacts