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This is a minor bugfix update, a new stable will be released soon.
Some users reported bootloops on SR1 and SR2, for whom the last stable worked fine. If this still happens on SR3, report it to the BETA thread on XDA, otherwise I will consider these reports fixed.
Download flashable ZIP:
SuperSU BETA thread on XDA:
Fix erroneously deleting SuperSU's copy of app_process on 6.0 since 2.79-SR1
GUI: Fix app_process requirement detection when supersu context used
Fully eliminate sugote binary, no longer needed due to SELinux handling improvements in earlier versions
Support /system/xbin/sush as default shell
Adjust LD_PRELOAD filtering to exclude suhide's libraries
ZIP: Motorola: default to systemless mode
Is this for all root devices
+Nick Sanchez I doubt it, as some devices like the QC S7/S7E require a system-less root method, and I'm sure there are others that require that.
Should be for all. It Will select system or systemless automatically.
Works great on Pixel XL, flashed in TWRP after flashing Pure Nexus, reflash TWRP, boot into os and flash vendor image, then SuperSU
Nexus 6P? running Nougat 7.1.1 January .. Everything is all good here, no issues ???? .. keep up the great work .. +Chainfire you the Man ????
Waiting for stable...
after flashing this beta I can not flash a rom
+Yuri Ledda more info needed to help. What you mean by "cannot flash ROM"?
Pues a mi; después de flashear el zip y reiniciar se queda en pantalla negra y no hace nada ?, tengo un moto G4 con Android 7.0.
Espero que la siguiente actualización si le funcione a mi dispositivo, porfa compatibilidad para mi moto G4 ?
Id 'nt know how is this useful
Hello, Greetings from Venezuela, I have on the smartphone brand Wiko Jerry android 6.0, and wanted to see if this type of smartphone has a chance to root, without making a modification to the system, just wanted to be root, without changing the rom.
Hola, Saludos desde Venezuela, tengo en smartphone marca Wiko Jerry android 6.0, y queria ver si este tipo de smartphone tiene oportunidad de root, sin hacer modificación al sistema, solo quería que quede root, sin cambiar la rom.
+Manuel Rodriguez try kingroot
+febry valdy no confio en Kingroot, es una app dañina.
he did not trust in Kingroot, it is a harmful app.
+febry valdy kingroot is full of malware! Anyone who uses it deserves it
+Mike Grimes ?
It's okkk Think you too match
yo tengo un smartphone Wiko Jerry
Device: V2802AN
Product: V2802AN
Android Version: 6.0
API Level 23
Build ID MRA58K
y quiero estar seguro de que funcione el SuperSU y no vaya a dar problemas despues de hacer la instalación.
I have a smartphone Wiko Jerry
Device: V2802AN
Product: V2802AN
Android Version: 6.0
API Level 23
Build ID MRA58K
And I want to be sure that the SuperSU works and will not give problems after the installation.
Any solution for encrypted S7 (Android 7.0) to root?
SuperSu for Lineage plz
D'oh! I can't believe I'm actually posting here with this; inviting your Anyway, in case it matters, on a non-verizon Google Pixel:
fastboot oem unlock
fastboot boot boot-to-root.img
Repeated reboots, as expected. However, after the second or third reboot, it's stuck in boot loop with the following, perhaps relevant, trace in logcat:
01-24 19:17:25.383 29430 29430 F art : art/runtime/] native: #12 pc 0000000000153400 /system_root/system/lib64/ (???) [209/1896]
01-24 19:17:25.383 29430 29430 F art : art/runtime/] native: #13 pc 0000000000f642e8 /system_root/system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (Java_com_android_internal_os_Zygote_nativeForkSystemServer__II_3II_3_3IJJ+228
01-24 19:17:25.383 29430 29430 F art : art/runtime/] at method)
01-24 19:17:25.383 29430 29430 F art : art/runtime/] at
01-24 19:17:25.383 29430 29430 F art : art/runtime/] at
01-24 19:17:25.383 29430 29430 F art : art/runtime/] at
01-24 19:17:25.383 29430 29430 F art : art/runtime/]
01-24 19:17:25.383 29430 29430 F art : art/runtime/]
01-24 19:17:25.384 29430 29430 F libc : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code 6 in tid 29430 (main)
01-24 19:17:25.384 534 534 W : debuggerd: handling request: pid=29430 uid=0 gid=0 tid=29430
01-24 19:17:25.398 29521 29521 E : debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: Connection refused)
01-24 19:17:25.399 29521 29521 F DEBUG : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
01-24 19:17:25.399 29521 29521 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'google/sailfish/sailfish:7.1.1/NMF26U/3562008:user/release-keys'
01-24 19:17:25.399 29521 29521 F DEBUG : Revision: '0'
01-24 19:17:25.399 29521 29521 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm64'
01-24 19:17:25.399 29521 29521 F DEBUG : pid: 29430, tid: 29430, name: main >>> zygote64 <<<
01-24 19:17:25.399 29521 29521 F DEBUG : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code ~~6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr ------~~
01-24 19:17:25.402 29521 29521 F DEBUG : Abort message: 'art/runtime/] JNI FatalError called: frameworks/base/core/jni/com_android_internal_os_Zygote.cpp:481: Unable to construct file descriptor table.'
01-24 19:17:25.402 29521 29521 F DEBUG : x0 0000000000000000 x1 00000000000072f6 x2 0000000000000006 x3 0000000000000008
01-24 19:17:25.402 29521 29521 F DEBUG : x4 00000000000000f4 x5 0000800000000000 x6 00000076062e3000 x7 0000000000000000
01-24 19:17:25.402 29521 29521 F DEBUG : x8 0000000000000083 x9 ffffffffffffffdf x10 0000000000000000 x11 0000000000000001
01-24 19:17:25.402 29521 29521 F DEBUG : x12 ffffffffffffffff x13 0000000000000000 x14 0000000000000000 x15 0016e00b593a325e
01-24 19:17:25.402 29521 29521 F DEBUG : x16 0000007602ccfee0 x17 0000007602c79250 x18 0000000000000000 x19 0000007606397b40
01-24 19:17:25.402 29521 29521 F DEBUG : x20 0000000000000006 x21 0000007606397a98 x22 0000000000000000 x23 0000000000000016
01-24 19:17:25.402 29521 29521 F DEBUG : x24 0000000000000000 x25 0000000000000000 x26 000000760243e180 x27 0000007ffe740981
01-24 19:17:25.402 29521 29521 F DEBUG : x28 0000007ffe740cc8 x29 0000007ffe740880 x30 0000007602c766f8
01-24 19:17:25.402 29521 29521 F DEBUG : sp 0000007ffe740860 pc 0000007602c79258 pstate 0000000060000000
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG :
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : backtrace:
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : #00 pc 000000000006b258 /system_root/system/lib64/ (tgkill+8)
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : #01 pc 00000000000686f4 /system_root/system/lib64/ (pthread_kill+64)
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : #02 pc 0000000000023ce8 /system_root/system/lib64/ (raise+24)
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : #03 pc 000000000001c76c /system_root/system/lib64/ (abort+52)
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : #04 pc 00000000004300fc /system_root/system/lib64/ (_ZN3art7Runtime5AbortEPKc+456)
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : #05 pc 00000000000e5818 /system_root/system/lib64/ (_ZN3art10LogMessageD2Ev+1576)
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : #06 pc 000000000032972c /system_root/system/lib64/ (_ZN3art3JNI10FatalErrorEP7_JNIEnvPKc+152)
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : #07 pc 0000000000151564 /system_root/system/lib64/
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : #08 pc 0000000000152cec /system_root/system/lib64/
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : #09 pc 0000000000153400 /system_root/system/lib64/
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : #10 pc 00000000025ea2e8 /system_root/system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (offset 0x1686000) (
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : #11 pc 00000000025e9f64 /system_root/system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (offset 0x1686000) (
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : #12 pc 00000000025f293c /system_root/system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (offset 0x1686000) (
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : #13 pc 00000000025ef4d0 /system_root/system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (offset 0x1686000) (
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : #14 pc 00000000000d27e8 /system_root/system/lib64/ (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+600)
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : #15 pc 00000000000df230 /system_root/system/lib64/ (_ZN3art9ArtMethod6InvokeEPNS_6ThreadEPjjPNS_6JValueEPKc+252)
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : #16 pc 0000000000429964 /system_root/system/lib64/ (_ZN3artL18InvokeWithArgArrayERKNS_33ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnableEPNS_9ArtMethodEPNS_8ArgArrayEPNS_6JValueEPKc+108)
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : #17 pc 00000000004295bc /system_root/system/lib64/ (_ZN3art17InvokeWithVarArgsERKNS_33ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnableEP8_jobjectP10_jmethodIDSt9__va_list+380)
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : #18 pc 000000000034544c /system_root/system/lib64/ (_ZN3art3JNI21CallStaticVoidMethodVEP7_JNIEnvP7_jclassP10_jmethodIDSt9__va_list+604)
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : #19 pc 000000000009f06c /system_root/system/lib64/
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : #20 pc 00000000000a1684 /system_root/system/lib64/ (_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime5startEPKcRKNS_6VectorINS_7String8EEEb+692)
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : #21 pc 0000000000002260 /system_root/system/bin/app_process64
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : #22 pc 000000000001a594 /system_root/system/lib64/ (__libc_init+88)
01-24 19:17:25.668 29521 29521 F DEBUG : #23 pc 0000000000001ccc /system_root/system/bin/app_process64
The zip file with the relevant image is
Well what d'ya know, flashing with this one worked just right:
is this safe to use with rooted S7e on G935U? I remember them saying dont update from v2.76 (play store)because it will not work with a different version.
How does this work
Idk know how to do it
Some one send me both the links please ???
why my supersu can,t work?
okay thank you later I will try to find a reference to this issue
Vc são bons em, o meu g900md agora tem acesso root. Quero aprender a programar e ser fera como vocês.
J'ai un problème sur mon téléphone les binaires n'arrivent pas a faire la mise a jour je fais comment?
what do you say?
Translate i speak french
oh i'm sorry.
Le binaire de Su doit être mis a jour. Failed
SuperSU essayer d'abord enlevé et installé nouvelle SuperSU SuperSU qui connaissent son ont un cache du gag
Premièrement il faut aller à la liste des applications et Unrooter le telephone depuis les paramètres de l'application supersu après redémarrer en mode recovery et installer le zip puis effectuer un wipe du cache et du dalvik.
Always found this su a little temperamental, a bit like its programmer...also paying over the odds for theses apps today..not happy..shame theirs so little choice, like being locked into a phone contract they've got you by the balls until a year later and a better offer from different provider becomes available. .Xx
Ceci est le meilleur conseil dans le champ de commentaire
+Chainfire I've contacted you through hangouts
Ya pude hacer root mi Moto G4 con Android 7, pero el único problema que me da es en ajustes en el apartado de aplicaciónes me da un cierre forzado y esto mismo me pasaba en la versión Android 6. Al parecer lo demás funciona bien
Is this file compatible with any device with Android 6?
مرحبا لماذه لا يمكن أن يحدث هاتفي سامسوج كلكسي s5 ارجو المساعده طلب الاتصال بدخدمه العملاء
Thanks, works on SM-915G 6.0.1. However, the cf-autoroot for this phone is not working. It fails at flashing the cache somehow.
cine ma ajuta si pe mine am instalat SuperSu Pro sa instalat sim da doar sal dezinstalez doar atat
I'm trying to root my Pixel device (Build NMF26V). OEM Unlock: no Problem. Boot twrp.img - then flash - everything okay. But when I tried to install, it didn't root the device. The next thing I did was booting the boot-to-root.img - that ended in a Bootloop. Had to flash-all.bat to stock Factory Image.
Question: What twrp do I need to use? RC1? Alpha1? Alpha2? I tried with RC1, because it's the latest.
Next Question: I flashed Factory Image with Build Number NMF26V, because I'm from Europe. Was that right? Can I flash NMF26U, too?
Okay got it. Wasn't the latest SU
Thank you for the update, just a quick questions, will this work without issue with the last 7.1.1 image for Nexus 6 (shamu)? I am about to do it and was hoping to save some trouble if not. TIA.
clasn of clans saya level 25 aku citer yang tidak pernah kalah melawanku
I'm running Resurrection Remix Nougat on hlte note3.
Do I just flash it through TWRP? I want to do a clean install of RR with out. Have been having a lot of random reboots will this help?
esta versión servirá para smarphone Wiko Jerry Game Changer. con Android 6.0 [37] ? ?
I know this isnt the appropriate thread to ask this and Im far too nervous to root my Pixel XL but Ive been looking for a way other than rooting to get miracast on my device. I have a smart tv and fire stick....anyone wanna PM some solutions? Id be very grateful. Sorry for asking here...Just looking for some solid help and this thread seems full of ppl who can offer it. Thanks in advance.
How can i add otg support & volte support on my intex aquafish os jolla mobile.please sagest to me.
After the Nov 2016 update several people, including me, have found that boot-to-root.img leads to a "soft" boot loop (fixable by reinstalling the update). I realize this is not a support thread, but the problem with the method is not obvious on the xda forum and many people have had problems so I thought a comment here might help.
Fixing the boot loop once it occurs seems to be straightforward I didn''t lose any data.
I am not 100% certain, but I believe the problem in my case was caused by using an old version of adb to do the install of boot-to-root.img I don't know for sure what changed in adb, but I suspect it is related to support for the a/b partition model on the Pixel. Using a frsh adb allowed by to do a successful install.
aquí uno pregunta y no le intentan decir nada. que mal, y así quiere reputación?
How can I install this? Do I need to use my pc and go to the twrp bootloader?
Just flashed via TWRP 3.0.2-2 on my Note5 SM-N920W8 flawless thank you!
Not working keeps getting deleted
SuperSU??????= 1 big problem for you!???"Uploaded Binary", "Uploaded Binary"...!!! And NOT WORKS!!!???SuperSU - this is FULL SHIT!!! ?????
KingoRoot RULES and works very, very best!!! ???
Help. I've installed the latest version with Magisk and I seem to have lost root.
+Андрей Серафимов You must either work for Kingoroot or be a spyware loving moron ?????
+Joseph Yeung , You are very ugly and smell like shit. You need to wash it frequently...Good Luck with SuperSUks!???
KingoRoot really works!
Huawei Y3ii LUA-L21 LTE, mtk6735m 64bit, Android 5.1, TWRP 3.1.0, Installation after SuperSU - bootloop
+Андрей Серафимов SuperSU never claimed to be a rooting tool, you blithering idiot. Enjoy having your phone spied on by our Chinese government and your bandwidth being used for DDOS cyberterrorism thanks to KingoRoot! ?????
I've tried many programs (Kingroot, KingoRoot, Baidu and others) but I can not get Root.
+Joseph Yeung you dont need talk to him Андрей «БесОгонЪ» Серафимов. He is a child, dont know what is a good for root systemless and a child alway like "china toys-EASY tools (EASY make virus)" with full spyware-virus. Kingroot: EASY 1 click VIRUS and a child just EASY with him unless it'll cry. Just dont care him because a foolish child dont know what can they (xda development) do. A child need milks to shut up his mouth :))
+Joseph Yeung , You are a fool)))That I can steal? I'm not a secret agent, not the President Merkel, which is already hacked...)I Have no accounts with millions of dollars, I have no Nude photos)))so If you are afraid of hacking, you need to live in a cave and use only Slippers.)))
+nhat dang minh , And what do you want? Apparently a plate of rice with rice cake with spicy sauce, and a pair of elephants for you and your wife.)I repeat, I have nothing to steal or run the viruses. And if they will, then for your information it was invented antiviruses. In the end, you can reflash an electronic device. It is to reflash and you should be SuperSU.
"Children" you say? Have you ever heard of protective systems?)))Norton, Avira and others you names tell you anything?)
Where are you? You are only good with milk)))Or this shit SuperSUCKS)))???
In addition to this app, don't forget to buy the laptop!)Otherwise it is not properly work. This is "milk", that is such a cow...)
A little about fear...If you are all Chinese, don't look under the lid of your appliance, TV, refrigerators, and even clothes!)Otherwise you go your whole life scared...)))There's not written "made in USA")And if written, then you have more to fear this, because US watching you more than the other countries combined.)))
After a week of fighting with Magisk I have come back to you. Tried and tested SuperSU is still my SU of choice. I still am unable to get Adaway to work could it be related to SU?
+Dark Ages I switched to MagiskSU on Magisk v11.6 today to see how it runs. Not experiencing any trouble so far.
Working well with my test build of Magisk v11.6 for multi-slot devices. +1
Will it work on SM-N910T running lineageOS 14.1?
Sorry scared for da bootloop!
Bit the bullet...
Works just fine Note 4 SM-N910T running lineageOS 14.1!
Also For Tab Pro 8.7
صديقي العزيز
ارجوا ان تحلوهذة المشكلة برمجيات SU بحاجة للترقية ارجوا ان ترسلو رابط الترقية ولكم كل التقدير
Lineage 14.1 on samsung mega 5.8 gt-i9152. Rom ok.. Flash chainfire latest supersu ok..but the problem the phone still cant rooted. Please somebody advice if im misstepped during installation procedure.. Cc +Chainfire
hello +Chainfire my oneplus 3 oos 4.1.1 android 7.1.1 says no su binary installed even after multiple attemps to do so,tried different procedures but its not working,hope you fix this too in your stable update,while updating there is a patch but stock one recovered it say and after reboot the same dialog again and again
I flashed this .zip via TWRP on my Samsung Note 5 (SM-N9208) on Android 7.0. But stuck on creating image for ever, even after trying for whole night.. Please do update to cover Android N charges in Samsung.
+Javier Saviola Have you enable root access for apps in developer mode in lineage?
Me ayudarían en convertir a root un alcatel pixi 3(4.5) 5017a
+Nasar Ahmed Go into the TWRP terminal (advanced > terminal) and type 'mount -o bind /dev/urandom /dev/random' without the quotes. BEFORE trying to install SuperSU. After you type that in, install your zip file and enjoy 7.0!
Is it working on pixel may update?
SR3 seems to be broken after installing the May security update. Pixel XL after flashing the initial google splash page flashes by and phone keeps rebooting in a loop like this. Going back to April's update until it can be further investigated by Chainfire.
+Jonathan White Sorry for late reply.. Yes already enable root access.. But still can't root..
+Brian Gold Same thing on my Pixel Sailfish
+Brian Gold Same here. Just saw your comment and going back to April update as well. Guess we'll have to wait until SuperSU is updated
+Haraesh Jayalingam There are two different fixes now. One is flash the bootloader from April or Chainfire released a flashable fix for this.
Is this working on nougat 7.1.2?
+Bernie John Gumapac yes may update.
OK. Thank you.
+Chainfire SR3 is broken on PixelXL with stock rom.Th device bootloops within a few seconds.
+Brian Gold how did you switch back to the April update?
اخي الروت معي شغال بعد ما حدثته مارضي يشتغل الروت ايش السبب
I flashed the bootloader from April with adb
Testing to see if it works. I'm not sure. But I have faith in this app.
Continued here: