NOTICE: This content was originally posted to Google+, then imported here. Some formatting may be lost, links may be dead, and images may be missing.
I know some of you guys here enjoyed seeing my older albums and there are proper photographers among you, but it seems I haven't re-posted from my personal account since 2014. So here are the missing albums :)
Reshared from
Some panoramas taken on my trip to Patagonia (during the rare moments it wasn't raining) and Easter Island at the end of 2015.
Edited to taste, so no arguing about that :)
Great photography!!
Not bad ;)
Not bad
Awesome photography but 500 firepaper not working anymore...
SMOKING is NOT beneficial for US!!!! QUIT if you want to live a happy LIFE!!!
#quitsmoking #smoking #nosmoking #drugs #drug #cigar #nosmokingzone #health #cigarette #saynotocigarette #smoke #nagodas #chainsmoker
slt tradenox3 root es ce posible svp