DSLR Controller v1.05 released
Posted on 2017-08-02, 17 comments, 118 +1's, imported from Google+/Chainfire

NOTICE: This content was originally posted to Google+, then imported here. Some formatting may be lost, links may be dead, and images may be missing.

This update is rolling out on Google Play right now.

5D Mark IV

Changes are mostly related to the 5D Mark IV, which remains probably the most finicky camera I have worked with so far, remote control wise.

Please be sure to update it to the latest firmware, this alone solves several issues.

The latest firmware still suffer from some sort of internal corruption. If you are getting communication errors and crashes, try finding and using the "Clear all camera settings" option in the (camera's) menu. Obviously this means your camera configuration will be lost, but it fixes too many problems to ignore.

High speed continuous shooting

Some issues with high speed continuous shooting have been corrected. This should much improve stopping the capture.

Night/Astronomer mode

At the bottom of the settings screen (cogwheel icon) there is now an option for Night/Astronomer mode. If you enable this option, the user interface is converted to grayscale and displayed in the red channel only, which should reduce impacting night vision when using the app.

USB issues

Remember last major release I dropped the BETA moniker because USB host support was now relatively common and reliable? I should have known better. Several flagship devices - including the Google Pixels - suffer from an issue where communication randomly breaks down.

For the technically inclined, this happens when you use the UsbRequest API with buffers of 16kb. That you should be using 16kb buffers in the first place isn't properly documented but you can find that somewhere in the Android sources. On these devices, using any buffer larger than 8kb randomly breaks.

This only happens in combination of some cameras with some phones. Other cameras will work fine with the same phone, and other phones will work fine with the same camera.

This specific issue should be worked around now.

TP-Link TL-WR902AC

The TL-WR902AC is now also supported to turn into a Wi-Fi module for your camera's that don't have one built-in. See http://dslrcontroller.com/guide-wifi_wr902ac.php


Google Play:


Discussion thread on XDA:






DSLR Controller

Julian B commented on 2017-08-02 at 17:50:

Good old times ? Funny that people still need this app in times of inbuild Wifi and manufacturer apps...

Zoltan Forray commented on 2017-08-02 at 18:43:

+Julian B I was about to say the same thing. Since I upgraded to the 5D Mark IV, I haven't had a need for the DSLRcontroller package. I greatly appreciate Chainfire's work and knowledge.

Klaus J. Meijners commented on 2017-08-02 at 19:57:

Still using a Canon 60D I'm very happy about any new DSLRController release

And it provides valuable functionalities in combination with WLAN cameras too.

喜事家有 commented on 2017-08-02 at 23:18:


Bruno Horvat commented on 2017-08-03 at 10:22:

Amazing app. Chainfire rules! I will buy it soon.

Beniamino Tomasi commented on 2017-08-04 at 09:18:

La app che cercavo ! Completa su canon d80 funziona benissimo sia in whi-fi che tramite cavetto USB tutto i controlli sono disponibili dal time Laos al focus staching! Sono veramente soddisfatto !!!

Paulo Panelli commented on 2017-08-06 at 13:31:


Rakshith H B commented on 2017-08-06 at 16:09:

How to use super su

OT janophoneandroid commented on 2017-08-07 at 15:50:

Is it support Canon EOS 77D?

واب ميميممثم commented on 2017-08-15 at 13:33:

بل لماذا ث

Tony Kramer commented on 2017-08-16 at 19:43:

Ever since the 1.05 update the app now crashes on video review. Need to revert back to 1.02.

Franco Malzani commented on 2017-08-22 at 17:04:

Riesco ad usarla con cavo , ma via Wi-Fi non riesco chi mi dà una mano ??

Ho Android e macchina fotografica ros 1300 D.

Grazie x l' aiuto

Franco Malzani commented on 2017-08-22 at 17:05:

+Beniamino Tomasi

Come la fai andare con Wi-Fi?? Io ho 1300 d Canon ed Android ultima versione.

Grazie x risposta

Beniamino Tomasi commented on 2017-08-22 at 19:31:

Devi andare nelle impostazioni - applicazioni - Dsl controller - imposta come predefinita (nel caso avessi una altra applicazione impostata come predefinita dovresti disabilitarlo per poter impostare predefinita dslr controller) in questo modo potrai

collegarla tramite whi-fi

Thomas Strysch commented on 2017-08-30 at 09:51:

Auch in deutsch?

Scott Smith commented on 2017-11-14 at 02:39:

Is there a tutorial for DSLR Controller

Carlos Avendaño commented on 2018-08-05 at 11:46:

Doesn't work on my kindle fire, help me with a solution, or help me with a refund please

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