NOTICE: This content was originally posted to Google+, then imported here. Some formatting may be lost, links may be dead, and images may be missing.
This update is currently rolling out on Google Play.
This update brings some more Oreo related fixes. Some of them related to FlashFire's flash mode startup (fixing some black screens), and some of them related to the OTA handling. Most of the latter are related to Pixel devices, though.
Expect more Orea-related issues to pop up (and be fixed) over the next few weeks :)
Google Play:
Direct Download:
Discussion thread on XDA:
A/B OTA: Fix update_engine_flashfire crash in logs
A/B OTA: Always make update_engine_sideload available
A/B OTA: Fix fstab availability for new style OTAs
A/B OTA: Don't automatically delete OTAs after successful install if located on internal storage or sdcard
A/B OTA: Detect target slot rather than blindly switching to the other one
FlashUI: More Android Oreo compatibility fixes
Hi, i just trying to ask you about 500firepaper for android tv daydream, it stops working in my device. Any help? It was the best option for my daydream app, just miss it. Any advice will be helpfull. Thanks.